
Update: 2025-03-03


دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی / گروه تاریخ

Journal Paper

  1. "The grounds and consequences of Alimurad Khan Mamivand Bakhtiari's uprising (1148-1149 AH) in the period of Nader Shah Afshar"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, سجاد پاپي : second author
    biannual research journal of Iran local histories, pp.97-108, 2024
  2. "Factors affecting the coexistence of Armenians with Iranian society and their role in the constitutional (Mashrūtiyyat) revolution (1285 SH)"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Arsen avagyan : second author, عباس اقبال مهران : Third author
    پژوهش نامه ی تاریخ اسلام, pp.123-144, 2023
  3. "The Representation of “the Other” in the Poetry of Aref Qazvini and Mirzadeh Eshqi in the Light of Postcolonial Approach"
    manoochehr joukar : First author, MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : second author, mokhtar ebrahimi : Third author, ali tahanasab : Fourth author
    فصلنامه «علمی تفسیر و تحلیل متون زبان و ادبیات فارسی»(دهخدا), pp.114-139, 2023
  4. "The role of Uch-Kilisa in the relations between Armenians and Qajar kings with the emphasis on the Persian decrees of Matenadaran"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, arsen avakiyan : second author, عباس اقبال مهران : Third author
    پژوهش نامه ی تاریخ اسلام, pp.89-106, 2022
  5. "West and Modernity in the Discourse of "Abdul Latif Shoushtari ""
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Iraj Varfinezhad : second author, عطا اموزيان : Third author
    islamic studies, pp.153-176, 2022
  6. "Study of effective factors on developing of Consumption Pattern of Oil Industry Employees (1953-1979)"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Ali Bahranipour : second author, Mostafa Mohammadi Dehcheshmeh : Third author, akineh kashani : Fourth author
    تحقیقات تاریخ اقتصادی ایران (پژوهش نامه تاریخ اجتماعی و اقتصادی سابق), pp.145-167, 2021
  7. "آسیب‌شناسی گفتمان دکتر مصدق به مقوله نیروهای مسلح"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Iraj Varfinezhad : second author, حسيني-حمزه : Third author
    Islamic Revalution Studies, pp.139-160, 2021
  8. "بررسی تأثیر فراز‌ و ‌فرود قدرت خان‌های بختیاری در تحولات سیاسی و اجتماعی ایالت فارس (1327-1331ق)"
    مسعود شفيعي سروستانی : First author, MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : second author
    biannual research journal of Iran local histories, pp.177-196, 2020
  9. "Investigating Women’s Covering and Hijab in Qajar Dynasty Reflecting upon the Works of Foreign Tourists of That Period (From Agha Mohammed Khan Kingdom to Mozafar-edin Shah Period)"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, سكينه دنياري : second author
    فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی تاریخ, pp.79-102, 2020
  10. "فعالیت های سیاسی –اجتماعی مَلِک جَهان خانم مهدعلیا در دوران قاجار"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, سكينه دنياري : second author
    جندی شاپور, pp.72-89, 2019
  11. "Patrimonialism and political authoritarianism in the first era of Qajar rule"
    Mohammed Afsarirad : First author, MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : second author, Shahram Jalilian : Third author
    Sociological Cultural Studies, pp.51-77, 2019
  12. "بررسی تأثیر و جایگاه لوطی‌ها در جنبش مشروطیت"
    khatereh osmizadeh : First author, MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : second author
    سخن تاریخ, pp.53-66, 2019
  13. "The Impact of Trade on the Silk Road on the Emergence and social Mobility of Turkish Commanders (Case Study Ghaznavids dynasty )"
    Ali Bahranipour : First author, MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : second author, Lida Mavadat : Third author, سجاد كاظمي : Fourth author
    پژوهشنامه خراسان بزرگ, pp.15-30, 2018
  14. "The Impact of Trade on the Silk Road on the Rise and Social Mobility of Turkish Commanders"
    Ali Bahranipour : First author, MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : second author, Lida Mavadat : Third author, سجاد كاظمي : Fourth author
    پژوهشنامه خراسان بزرگ, pp.15-30, 2018
  15. "An Analysis of the Impediments to Modern Army Formation in the First Half of the Qajar Dynasty"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, حسيني-حمزه : second author
    مطالعات تاریخی جنگ, pp.115-142, 2018
  16. "The Impact of Constitutional Revolution on the Land Ownership System Evolution"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, سجاد كاظمي : second author
    journal of Histarical Researches, pp.93-106, 2018
  17. "Merchant reaction at the role of Teryak limit on commity ducument"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, فاطمه حاجي ابادي : second author
    تحقیقات تاریخ اقتصادی ایران (پژوهش نامه تاریخ اجتماعی و اقتصادی سابق), pp.77-89, 2016
  18. "Territorial Reformations in Iran and its cosequences"
    فاطمه زينلي : First author, MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : second author
    biannual research journal of Iran local histories, pp.27-45, 2016
  19. "A Review of Abdol Rahim Talbof’s Points of View and Refae Tahtavi’s Points of View and Their Role in Scientific Revitalization in Iran and Contemporary Egypt"
    hasan dadkhah : First author, MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : second author, تنگستاني-معصومه : Third author
    فصلنامه مطالعات ادبیات تطبیقی, pp.65-82, 2016
  20. "وضعیت اجتماعی زنان بختیاری در دوره قاجار با تکیه بر دیدگاه سفرنامه نویسان این"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, سكينه دنياري : second author
    جندی شاپور, pp.34-57, 2016
  21. "Critical Analysis of Historiography of khuzestan in Pahlavi and Islamic repablic Era"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    تاریخ نگری و تاریخ نگاری, pp.81-105, 2016
  22. "An investigation of the intraction and its components between Imam Khomeini and student movement abroad in the years 1963-1978"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Misam saheb : second author
    The History of Islamic culture and civilization, pp.93-118, 2016
  23. "studying thr role of the Belgian Joseph Naus in the cause of constitutional revolution in Iran"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, سحر عالي پور : second author
    فصلنامه رهیافت تاریخی, pp.37-46, 2015
  24. "The Pan-Iranist party Vsjebheye meli before the overthrow of Dr Mosaddeq"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Mohammed Afsarirad : second author
    Historical science studies, pp.37-56, 2015
  25. "study of the state of customs in the reign Mozafar ad - din shah Qajar"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Zahra Berisam : second author
    فصلنامه رهیافت تاریخی, pp.35-45, 2015
  26. "Pathology of teaching History"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, esmat babadi : second author
    فصلنامه رشد آموزش تاریخ, pp.70-73, 2015
  27. "Publish technik and the it role in the science culture development in Quajar during"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, ahmad gholami zarneh : second author
    a qurterly research Histography, pp.203-220, 2015
  28. "The contribution of the revivalparty in the Reza Shah.s Reign"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, فاطمه پوربختياري : second author
    فصلنامه رهیافت تاریخی, pp.95-111, 2015
  29. "The effect of Petrolum organisationsproceedings on the development of Ahvaz city"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, esmat babadi : second author
    ganjine asnad, pp.28-50, 2015
  30. "An investigation into the reasons of establishing the Dar -olfonun its development and its effects on the Iranian society in the Qajar era"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, bahareh biseda : second author
    Journal of Education, pp.253-274, 2015
  31. "The study of labor strikte in Iranian - British petrolium in tir 1325 and its cociquences"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, akineh kashani : second author
    فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی تاریخ, pp.29-47, 2015
  32. "National Identity in the Ibne-Balkhi’s Farsnameh"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, mohammedali Jodakhi : second author
    cultural history studies: Pajuhesh nameh anjoman-e Iraniye Tarikh, pp.21-52, 2015
  33. "An analisis on activities and approches of brother council in Bosher area with relying to document"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, فاطمه حاجياني : second author
    journal pf iranian islamicperiod history, pp.107-129, 2014
  34. "The plan of modernization and renovation of Iran in theReza shahe Pahlavi Era"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Farzane Dashti : second author, Bizhan Mirzaee : Third author
    تحقیقات تاریخ اجتماعی, pp.61-86, 2014
  35. "جنبش دانشجویی در دانشگاه جندی شاپور اهواز و نهضت امام خمینی (ره)"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, كردحبيبي-سودابه : second author
    انقلاب اسلامی ایران (دفتر اول), pp.373-392, 2014
  36. "Plotical culture among shia women (emphasis on on the role iran Islamic revolution"
    hamed nazari : First author, MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : second author, seyed mohsen ale seyed ghafur : Third author
    Scientific Proffessional Quarterly: Woman and Culture, pp.75-92, 2013
  37. "The Reason,s of Islamic Revolution from the Pahlavi royal familly,s point of view"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Ali Lajmorak : second author, Booyer Ahmad Khoobi nezhad : Third author
    Human Sciences Research, pp.121-146, 2013
  38. "study of women,s role in tobacco protest"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, zahra Razavi soosan : second author
    Scientific Proffessional Quarterly: Woman and Culture, pp.71-78, 2013
  39. "The difrences and similarities in memoir writing of Mustashar-aldula Sadegh and Ehtesham-alsaltane"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    تاریخ نگری و تاریخ نگاری, pp.125-151, 2013
  40. "National identity elements in the Divan Mirzadeh Eshgi"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, mina raesi sarbejan : second author
    cultural history studies: Pajuhesh nameh anjoman-e Iraniye Tarikh, pp.53-74, 2012
  41. "The Role of Women in the Palestinian movement"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Samire Hazbavi : second author, Mona Hamidi nasab : Third author
    Scientific Proffessional Quarterly: Woman and Culture, pp.57-69, 2012
  42. "The women and polotical participant"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Mona Hamidi nasab : second author, Samire Hazbavi : Third author
    Scientific Proffessional Quarterly: Woman and Culture, pp.99-109, 2011
  43. "Filtering the Contemporary Persian prose"
    hasan dadkhah : First author, MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : second author
    فصلیة ایران و العرب, pp.11-25, 2011
  44. "Evalutation of Iran and Russ reletion from the Hablolmatin point of view in the constitutional period"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Pooran Monjezi : second author
    تاریخ پژوهی, pp.213-227, 2010
  45. "The Reflection of the conflict Between the opponents and the advocates constitutionalism (Mashruteh) in the newspapers time"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    Iran History, pp.89-106, 2010
  46. "The illuminating elementms in bahar,s poems against the dominance of dispute"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    تاریخ نگری و تاریخ نگاری, pp.117-140, 2009
  47. "Impacts of Imam,s culture of struggle on the students movementin Iran(1963-1979)"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    Pazhuheshnameh Matin, pp.97-117, 2009
  48. "Nationalidentity elements in Aref Qazvini,s Divan"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, mohamad ali joodaki : second author
    National studies quarterly, pp.159-176, 2009
  49. "بازشناسي مبارزات قدمي علماي عتبات جهت"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    فصلنامه علوم انسانی دانشگاه الزهرا, pp.81-110, 2007
  50. "The plitical failure of Baxtiyari tribe in the Qajar era and the loss of their political status after the coquest of Tehran"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Bichan Bahrami Kahyesh Nechad : second author
    ganjine asnad, pp.47-66, 2007
  51. "بازشناسی روابط خارجی ایران در دوره استبداد صغیر"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Mohammed Ameri : second author
    History of foreign relations quarterly, 2007
  52. "roots of Iranian identity in the jungle movement"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    National studies quarterly, pp.99-118, 2007
  53. "بررسي موانع تاريخي استقرار جامعه مدني در ايران معاصر با تكيه بر ناكارآمدي نخبگان"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    پژوهشنامه دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی دانشگاه شهید بهشتی, pp.1-24, 2003
  54. "بررسي، تحليل و جستارهايي در مذهب پارتها"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    مجله دانشکده الهیات دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز, pp.153-180, 2002
  55. "نگاهي به تاريخ پنجاه سالة تاسيس و شكل‌گيري دانشگاه جندي‌شاپور"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    مجله دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی دانشگاه شهید چمران, pp.133-152, 2001
  56. "بررسي خاطره نويسي درتاريخ معاصر ايران با تكيه بر خاطرات احتشام السلطنه"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    مجله دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی دانشگاه شهید چمران, 2001
  57. "بررسي عوامل شكست ايران از روسيه تزاري در شعر قائم مقام"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    مجله آشنا, pp.63-71, 1996
  58. "مبارزات مشروطه خواهان مجلس اول در عثماني"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    مجله تاریخ معاصر ایران, pp.105-119, 1995
  59. "Analytical Approches in contemporary Political satire"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, nahid bahrami : second author
    توسعه اجتماعی (توسعه انسانی سابق), pp.107-128, 2014
  60. "From chaw to the Ministry of Publication"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    اقتصاد مقداری (بررسیهای اقتصادی سابق), pp.3-16, 2007

Conference Paper

  1. "بررسی شیوه های تعلیم و آموزش زنان در جامعه ایران عهد قاجار تا پیش از انقلاب مشروطه(۱۲۱۰ه.ق-۱۳۲۴ه.ق)"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, سكينه دنياري : second author
    دوازدهمین کنگره پیشگامان پیشرفت, 2018
  2. "بررسی خاطرات زیارت حج زنان در دوره قاجار(با تکیه بر سفرنامه های حج خانم علویه کرمانی و عصمت السلطنه دختر فرهاد میرزا معتمدالدوله)"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, سكينه دنياري : second author
    همایش بین المللی حج در پویه تاریخ, 2017
  3. "وضعیت اجتماعی زنان بختیاری در دوره قاجار با تکیه بر دیدگاه سفرنامه نویسان این دوره"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, سكينه دنياري : second author
    همایش زن در تاریخ محلی ایران, 2015
  4. "Boushehr on the view of the Eureapian travelers"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    National conferenss on role of the ducument in the Busheher History, 2012
  5. "The role of the soadat school in the cultural development of Boushehr during theQajar"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    National conferenss on role of the ducument in the Busheher History, 2012
  6. "A historical analysis of Iran,s education development performance with emphasis on issues of power and authority in third five -year development plan (2000-2004)"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Yadollah Mehralizadeh : second author
    International Conference on Higher Education Development (CHED2010), 2010
  7. "The Role of convergent and diveryent factors in the futureof Persian Gulf states"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    International Congress on Persian Gulf, 2009
  8. "An analysis of the Bakhtiary leaders approaches Tehran"
    bizhan bahramy kahish nezhad : First author, MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : second author
    National Conference on Bakhtiary Community and Iran, 2009
  9. "Bakhtiaries in Iranian constitutional movement:Backgrond and causes"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, bizhan bahramy kahish nezhad : second author
    National Conference on Bakhtiary Community and Iran, 2009
  10. "بازتاب قرارداد 1907 در نهادهاي مدني ايران عهد مشروطه"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    همایش ایران و سیاست جهانی در آغاز قرن بیستم, 2008
  11. "تحليلي بر نقش انجمن سعادت استانبول در جنبش مشروطه‌خواهي ايران"
    همایش صفویه در گستره تاریخ ایران‌زمین(مهرماه), 2005
  12. "تحليلي بر نقش انجمن سعادت استانبول در جنبش مشروطه‌خواهي ايران"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author
    همایش علمی انقلاب مشروطه (مردادماه), 2003
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, عباس اقبال مهران : second author
  14. "A Historical Analysis of Iran’s Education Development Performance with Emphasis on Issues of Power and Authority in Third Five-Year Development Plan (2000-2004) (Paper ID: 311295)"
    MOHAMMADREZA ALAM : First author, Yadollah Mehralizadeh : second author
    International Conference on Higher Education Development (CHED2010), 2010