اعضای هیات علمی


نگارش متون دانشگاهی

Academic Writing for M.A students of TEFL

Instructor: Dr. Shooshtari

 Main Objectives: this course is designed to introduce the graduate students of TEFL to the elements that contribute to good academic writing. It is intended to familiarize the participants with and practice the writing skills involved in variety of writing tasks that the graduate students face in their degree program.

Course Contents

 Background to writing

 An approach to academic writing

 Rhetorical patterns of organization: general to specific and specific to general

 Writing model of problem, process and solution pattern of organization.

 Development of Data commentary

 Writing Summeries

 Constructing a research paper

 Course requirements

 Regular attendance

 Active participation in the class discussion

 Submitting writing assignments

 Mid-term and Final exams


 Course references

 Feak, Christine R. & Swales,John M.(2012). Academic Writing for graduate students. USA: University of Michigan

 Bailey, Edward P & Powell, Philip A. (2008)(8th edition). The Practical writer with readers. USA: Lyn Uhl.

 Bailey, EStehane. (2006). Academic writing: a handbook for international students. New York: Routledge.

 MacCarter,Sam & Whitby, Norman.(2014). Writing for IELTS.THiland:  TMacmillan