Faculty Members

Hadisehalsadat Mousavi

Hadisehalsadat Mousavi

Hadisehalsadat Mousavi    (FA Page)

Assistant Professor
Contact Number: -

Dr. Mousavi was born in 1985 in Khorobiabank city of Isfahan province. She received her bachelor's degree in French Language and Literature from the University of Isfahan and completed her postgraduate studies, including master's and doctoral degrees in French Language Teaching from 2008 to 2016 at Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran. From 2013 to 2019, she was a visiting professor in the French language departments of the University of Isfahan, Ragheb Isfahani Non-Profit University and Payame Noor University, teaching various French courses. Her areas of ​​interest are French language teaching, cognitive science, and interdisciplinary science. In her doctoral dissertation, she examined the cognitive mechanisms involved in understanding the meaning of the text in the mother tongue and a foreign language. She has published articles in national and international journals and is the author of several books.


BA: French Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Isfahan

MA: French Language Teaching, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran

PhD: French Language Teaching, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran


: French language teaching, cognitive sciences, interdisciplinary sciences


Contact Number: -