روانشناسی زبان
Psycholinguistics for M.A students of TEFL
Instructor: Dr. Shooshtari
Main objectives
This course is designed to present a concise and informative introduction to a number of major theoretical issues, Key concepts, and discoveries in the field of psycholinguistics. It is especially intended to familiarize the graduate students of TEFL with the main research agenda within the interdisciplinary field of psycholinguistics, focusing on how language is represented in the mind of individuals and the cognitive processes involved in language acquisition, language comprehension and language production.
Course contents
The beginning concepts in psycholinguistics
The nature of linguistic competence
The biological basis of Language
psychological mechanisms
Speech perception and lexical access
The acquisition of language
Structural processing in speech perception
A survey of different psychological theories:
Cognitive psychology, information processing and Constuctivism
Social interactionism,
Mediation theory
Locus of control
Attribution theory
Sentence and Discourse comprehension
Speech production: models and processes
Sentence and Discourse comprehension
Course requirements
Regular attendance
Active participation in the class discussion
One presentation
Mid-term and Final exams
Williams,M. & Burden,R. (2003) Psychology for language teachers: A social constructivist approach. UK : Cambridge university press.
Carrol,David W.(2008). Pscychology of language. Canada: The Thomson Corporation.
Fernandez,Eva M.,& Smith Cairns,Helen.(2011). Fundementals of Pscycholinguistics. UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Warren, Paul. (2013). Introducing psycholinguistics.U.K.: Cambridge University Press
Harley, Trevor A. The psychology of Language: from Data to theory. (2014)(Fourth edition). New York: Psychology Press.
Whitaker, Harry.(ed.) (2010) Concise encyclopedia of Brain and language. Amsterdam: Elsevier Ltd.
Arabski, Janusz,(ed.) (2010).Neurolinguistic and psycholinguistics: Perspectives on SLA. UK.Short Run Press.