انگلیسی برای اهداف ویژه
English for Specific purposes (ESP)
M.A in English Language Teaching
Main Objective: This course is designed to introduce the M.A students of TEFL to the theory and practice in ESP domain and to highlight the recent issues and challenges of the concern in ESP situations.
Course Contents
.What is ESP? Origins and Developments
Approaches in ESP
Discourse and ESP
Genre Analysis and ESP
English for Academic Purposes
Tertiary undergraduate EAP: problems and Possibilities
English for Professional Academic Purposes
Need Assessment in ESP Context
Elements of syllabus design for ESP
Technology and ESP
The role and responsibility of ESP teacher
Material design and ESP
Active participation in class discussions
Class presentation on the ESP topics of the students’ choice
Report on general ESP class observation
Mid-term and Final exams
Course References
Hutchinson., & Waters, A. (1993). English for specific purposes: A learning-centered approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dudley-Evans,T., & JO ST Jhon, Maggie. (1998). Developments in English for Specific Purposes: A multi-disciplinary approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Belcher, Diane, (Ed). (2009). English for specific purposes in theory and practice. USA: The university of Michigan Press
yland,Ken.(2006). English for Academic Purposes. Australia: Routledge.
Basturkmen,Helen.(2006). Ideas and Options in English for Specifi c Purposes. London: LAWRENCE ERLBAUM ASSOCIATES.
Paltridge, Brain.,& Starfield,Sue.(Eds) (2013). The handbook of English for Specific Purposes. USA: John Wiley & Sons,Inc.