اعضای هیئت علمی - دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی
Update: 2025-03-03
Shahram Jalilian
دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی / گروه تاریخ
Master Theses
بنیانهای شكلگیری ҆جشن پوریم҅ در پیوند با تاریخ هخامنشیان
سارا بهمنیان 1403 -
ذهنیت جغرافینگاران مسلمان درباره تاریخ و فرهنگ ایران پیش از اسلام (از سده سوم تا هفتم هجری قمری)
سارا داغری 1402 -
داریوش بزرگ و حفر كانال سوئز؛ زمینه هاو پیامدهای اقتصادی و سیاسی
سیدامرالله جوی باری 1402 -
جایگاه و كاركرد شكار در فرهنگ و آیین شاهی ساسانیان
سیده مرضیه موسوی زاده 1402 -
جایگاه تَدمُر/ پالمیرا در رقابتهای سیاسی_ اقتصادی ساسانیان و رومیان در سدۀ سوم میلادی
سحر فیصلی رویس نژاد 1402 -
بازتاب تاریخ و فرهنگ ایران پیش از اسلام در آثار ابنقتیبه دینوری
الهام دلفی 1402 -
جایگاه و کارکرد شکار در آیین پادشاهی هخامنشیان
ابراهیم شاهپری بنشتی 1401 -
بازتاب جنگهای ساسانیان و رومیان در منابع اسلامی
معصومه البوباجی 1401 -
ساسانیان در «تاریخ ارمنیان» موسی خورناتسی
ارتیمس كیوان 1400 -
دوگانگی چهرۀ اسکندر مقدونی: از اسکندر گجستگ تا اسکندر ذیالقرنین
زهرا طلاوری 1400 -
ساسانیان در «تاریخ تئوفیلاکت سیموکاتا»
زینب علیزاده مكوندی 1400 -
سیاست کوچاندن اسیران جنگی در دورۀ ساسانیان: زمینهها و پیامدها
زینب صابرزاده 1400 -
شواهد مکتوب و دادههای باستانشناختی درباره حضور ساسانیان در خلیج فارس:(از اردشیر اول تا شاپوردوم)
فرزانه ممویی 1400 -
تحولات سیاسی و اقتصادی میشان در دوره پارتیان و ساسانیان
پگاه شكیبایی 1400 -
ساسانیان و فرهنگ یونانی
مسعود زیلایی 1399 -
بررسی دوره ی فرمانروایی یزگرد یکم و بهرام پنجم در شاهنامه و منابع تاریخی با تاکید بر منابع اسلامی تا سدۀ ششم هجری
زینب شیخی 1398 -
شورش شهر براز( 630م) زمینه ها و پیامد ها
سهیلا بیرانوند 1398 -
دین و سیاست در دوره فرمانروایی یزگرد سوم
فرشته داودی 1398 -
تصویرنگاری پادشاهان ساسانی بر پایه کتاب صور الملوک بنیساسان
عقیل سلطانی 1397 -
آیین تاجگذاری در دوره ساسانیان
علی بهرامی 1397 -
تصویر دربار ساسانیان بر پایه منابع اسلامی تا سده ششم هجری
ایران حردانی- 1397 -
دریای پایین / خلیج فارس در متون بین النهرینی
آمنه سواری 1397 -
نقش و جایگاه خاندانهای نژاده و اشراف در ساختار سیاسی فرمانروایی اشکانیان
زهره تقی پوربیرگانی 1397 -
جایگاه سیاسی ، مذهبی و اقتصادی یهودیان در دوره هخامنشیان
كرم دیناروند 1396The Achaemenian Reign Era (550-330 BC) is one of the outstanding eras in both Iran history and world history. The extensive Achaemenian Imperial included a vast territory from the central Asia to the west Asia and from west India to Egypt. The Achaemenian statesmen tolerated the various religions and caltures of all nations they captured to satisfy their followers' considerations. They almost always treated all nations in the same way, no matter which kind of religion they had.One of those nations was the Zion (Jewish people) whom were banished by Babylonian Emperor. In the beginning of sixth centuary (BC) and during the Babylonian raid against them, the Zion lost their land and Sacred Temple.With the advent of Achaemenian reign, a political, economic and religious upheaval accured in different walks of the Jewish people's lives. The Zions were supported by Achaemenian Statesmen and allowed to return to their land. They rebuilt their country and the sacred Temple in Jerusalem and resumed their previous professions
یونانی گری در ایران ( از حمله اسکندر تا سقوط اشکانیان )
خسرو اقبال 1396undoubtedly, Alexander invasion of Persia had dramatic effects on culture, art, writing system and language, generally the Iranian civilization. The Greek culture is also influenced by Iranian civilization. However, it is natural that the influence of the nation conquering over other nation is more. In particular, if the conqueror has a rich culture and civilization. For Greek it was the case.
The consequence of rule of Seleucid Empire and Greeks was merely an effect. However, it was deep and strong. The influence was limited to upper classes (the nobles and aristocrats) and never influenced the lower classes. Furthermore, the Iranian identity was never vanished any way. Rather, the Iranians maintained their own culture. It was until the Iranians freed from Greek dominance
Although the rule of Parthian Empire was begun with a Hellenistic legacy and Hellen-oriented, but they had their own political ideology and adhered to their Iranian identity. One of the main reasons that the Parthian emperors are known as Hellen-oriented and attached to Greek culture was that their writings were mostly engraved on coins with Greek language and the coins was marked by Philo Hellen. However, since first Christian century it was gradually moved out.
Thus, the Parthians grounded their rule as they were moving on and their tendency to Greek weakens and their Iranian- biased was enriching. At last, the remaining Greeks in Iran were melted into Iranian Culture. Generally, during Hellenistic period and dominance of aliens, Persia was little affected culturally compared to the other nations.
موقعیت سیاسی، دینی و اقتصادی یهودیان در دوره ساسانیان
عیسی حسین پور 1396Iranians and Jews had close religious, economic, and cultural connections within the reign of Achaemenid and Ashkanian. Achaemenid and Ashkani kings used to comply with political, cultural and religious diversities and followed one attitude with tolerance and compromise. Jews had a partially legal in Parthian period and a political independence in Babel. Ardeshir Babakan(224-240), by conquering Artabanus V(213-224 AD) as the last Ashkani king in 224 AD, established Sasanian kingship. The most noticeable political changes seen in Iran emperorship caused by Ardeshir and continued by his successors was recognition of the Zoroastrian religion in Iran. Jewish religion was common throughout Mesopotamia, and the Jews were living within the cities of Mesopotamia and Iran and had a long background in the history of Iran. However, due to political, religious and cultural changes in Iran, these relationships of the Jews with Sasanian regiments got diverse forms. The Jewish-with-Iranian relationships experienced various up-and-downs. The Jews had a peaceful life till they used to pay their tax and have no threat against Sasanian emperorship. The policies of Sasanian kings for religious minorities and movements were upon Sasanian kingship conditions, time requirements and views of the priests. In this research, by looking at the entering of the Jews into Iran in Achaemenid period and its development in Sasanian period, the political, religious and economic conditions of the Jews in Sananian period were studied.
شناخت موقعیت جغرافیایی بنادر دیلمون، مگن و ملوخ بر اساس داده های تاریخی و باستان شناختی
پرستو حسین زاده 1395According to (somery and akary) source since the beginning of the third millennium BC. Most of commercial communication has been placed in the Persian Gulf. Mesopotamians through this waterways had imported Wood, copper, and precious stones. At The third millennium BC, (Harbor Crowbar and (makn, molokh) they were the Persian Gulf and theirs surrounding areas trade centers, and these places also were the cause of Growth and prosperity of neighboring civilizations. According to archaeological digs of land of Bahrain is dolman land And ( Fyk•h) was part of Dilmun and and also it was the center of Bahrain's Dilmun in the late third millennium and early second millenniumAccording to the results of tests on different samples of copper from Mesopotamia and Elam it is obvious that Makn land is the today Oman . This land from the south part had dominated Iran Baluchistan and Pakistan and on the other side, Oman and the United Arab part.And the center of this land was the ancient( bempor.)The study of ancient texts has led to the discovery of the secret of historicalThe aim of this study is to use archaeological information and historical data for locating the (makn dilmon- molokh ) ports .
نقش سیاسی، فرهنگی حیره در دوره ساسانیان
سهیلا صفری 1395Abstract
Hira, was an Arabic state of Sassanid Empire figurehead that was founded from the third century AD, coinciding with the kingdom of Sassanid Ardashir I and his son, Shapur in Iraq. Hira rulers were the Lakhmid family. They received their legitimacy and sovereignty from the Sassanid kings. This Emirate had a very important role in defense of Iran's borders against the invasion of Arabic tribes and the Roman Empire. Hira as a communication link between Iran and Arabs, the policy and culture of Sassanid was spread in the Arab region, and the legitimacy and sovereignty of Iran's Rulers guaranteed in these regions. This Emirate remained until the end of Sassanid era, than Kosrow Parviz with the removal of the Nu'man III, the last Lakhmid king from the Hira Emirate - destroyed defensive wall of the Sassanid Iranian against Arab tribes. After a while, the Arab Muslims were able into Iran from this region. In this thesis, is studied the political and cultural position and importance of the Arabic state of Hira in the Sassanid Empire.
جنگ ذی قار: زمینه ها و پیامدهای آن
نجیبه نادری 1395Dhi Qar or Dho Qar is a small region where the Arab tribes settled around Al-Hira were securing their water from a watering place. Dhi Qar is now a name of a province at the south of Iraq. In this place, and some other points surrounding it, broke out a war between a part of Khosrow II (590-628 AC) army and the tribe of Abu Bakr Bin Vael who once were a supportive of Sassanid. For this reason, this war was known as Day of Dhi Qar. It was the war in which the Arabs triumphed the strong Sassanid army for first time and this victory had a significant impression on Arabs, ended the undisputed myth of Iranian armies. Though this victory was tiny, it signaled a significant thing: weakness and gradual fall of Sassanid dynasty. The reason for breaking out the war of Dhi Qar was somehow related to the murder of Noaaman Bin Mandez ( 580-602 AC), the last governer of Al-Hira which made the Arab tribes anger , disobeyed the Khosrow II orders and finally fought against him.
نتایج و تاثیرات رقابتهای سیاسی اقتصادی ایران و روم شرقی (بیزانس)در دریای سرخ،اقیانوس هند و خلیج فارس درعصر ساسانی.
ارین شفیعی 1395<p>Abstract: <br /> Sasanian and Byzantine longstanding conflicts, The balance of military power because the parties had never decisive victory. Therefore, econimic instruments as a tool to weaken a competitor`s attention. Then Byzantine and Iranian economic and political competition through the battles broke out in the overland trade routes, especially Mesopotamia, The purpose of which was to capture or monitor economic centers, The intensity of this conflict to the extent that at the time of Khosrow I, was creating insecurity and stagnation of trade in these areas, As a result, Instead of previous trade routes, maritime trade routes in the Indian Ocean, the Red sea and the Persian Gulf flourished. Consequently, The competition between iran and roman power in the indian ocean and its surrounding areas, and this caused changes in these areas were. Among the consequences of the relocation of the race, Beging the interfrances of Arabs and Turks and Ethiopians to compition between Iran and Rome. <br /> The aim of this research is that the results and impact of competition iran and Roman directly and indirectly in the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf have to check. According to the research results, Abraha attacked the northern regions of Saudi Arabia, Addressing the Sassanian development activities in the Persian Gulf, as well as weakening and facilitate the fall of the Sassanids also be the consequences of this competition be considered, However, the most striking result of this competition, changing trade routes of the Silk Road to the sea route was the Indian Ocean.<br /> </p>
بررسی چگونگی آموزش کودکان در ایران باستان
علی عبدی نسب 1395The children education in ancient Iran was different and had a long antiquity. Medes toughed riding, shooting and honesty according to society needs to. There was writing and booking in Mede era. After apparition and formation of writing, for teaching, they, the Medes, used probably a cuneiform writing on fictile tablets which used by magus and druids in ancient Iran institutes when exist still convents and fireplaces. In Achamenian era, exist the places to teach children and made children go to school for learning politeness, judgment and justice as same exist places named Alvitra which give the chance to noble children to learn riding, hunt, the wisdom of Zoroaster, ways of statecraft, justice and rectitude. In Parthian era, we toughed riding, shooting and how to battle to children, this education was according to needs of society. But, Parthians toughed also reading and writing to children and this education was completely for aristocrats and nobles. Generally, in professional education, any class of society teach its own carrier and industry to their own children. The basic of children education in Sassanian era was to learn ancient cults and religious education occupied a great part in this era, and the other educations were to learn artistic and technical skills and the need of knowing them. The children education in this era was an enough diversity. The special educations were followed in university. In this era, although high education was for aristocrats and nobles, teaching and education were propagating more than before, even a little number of non-noble and ordinary classes profited of ability to read and write, of teaching and of education.
حضور تاریخی ایرانیان در عمان از دوره پارتیان تا ظهور اسلام
غفار سواری 1395Since ancient time , Oman had been an important country both politically and commercially in the Persian gulf due to its geographically strategic situation and it also had been a major passage reaching ships on the Indian ocean and east of Africa. The epigraphy left from Sumerian and Akkadian periods referred to Oman as Magen which was one of the foreign and international markets trading with cities in Mesopotamia. The critical political and economic interests that Iran has had in Oman long since due to specific geographical situation in the Persian gulf and Indian ocean led Iran to pay special attention to this region. During Achaemenid era, Oman was a part of its territory and Cyrus the Great had assigned the Magenian satraps to protect the Strait of Hormuz, to collect taxes and to control trade routes. Once the Parthian government was founded, Iran regained its dominance on Oman and other parts of Persian gulf and at that time during which the princes who governed both Oman and Bahrain became the subordinates of the kings. In the Sassanid era, the southern coast of Persian gulf ranged from Bahrain and Oman, were the Mesons of Sassanid and Oman had been of importance and was a critical base to advance the Sassanid kings policies and to control the water routes. This study tries to examine the presence, influence and the role played by Iran in Oman during Parthian era.
مطالعه تطبیقی گناهان مردان و زنان در متون فارسی میانه
حسنی سفاری 1394
In Zoroaster religion sin is introduced as "Vinah" and includes bad deeds which destroy the accuser’s soul and hurt himself and other people as well. It is also a disgrace to the gods,symbols and sacred religious doctrine and is divided intodifferent degrees and levels. One of the most common hierarchies, according to the middle Persian scriptures, is the nine degrees of sins which includes Farman, Agreft, Aweiresht, Arudash, Khour, Bazay, Yat, Tanafour and Margarzan. In the middle Persian scriptures, sins are very vast and inclusive and notice all Zoroastrians’ affairs from the smallest bad deeds to the most heinous ones. One general suggested categorization of sins is to classify them on the basis of sexual discrimination. Accordingly, the sins would be divided into two large categories of men’s sins and those of women. In the middle Persian scriptures women’s sins are of different types; they are divided into sexual, familial, religious and social sins. These sins are more attributed to the family and spouse. Like women’s sins, those of men could be also classified as sexual, familial, religious and social sins but two other groups of sins are to be added − economic and political sins. The men’s sins are more related to the society and socio - economic issues of the time. Such a fact shows that Zoroaster religion emphasizes the role of men (unlike that of women) outside the home
چگونگی پیدایش مفهوم "ایران" در دوره ساسانیان
سامان رحمانی 1394The Sassanians played a significant role in the formation of the concept of Iran. Until the Sassanid rule in any of the courses
Prehistoric) Avestan Aryans (and Iranian history) Med, Achaemenids, Ashkanians (no such concept has any history
There is no historical history; the idea of Iran is to invent the Sasanians. Ashkanian role in the transfer of Iranian heritage to the Sassanid era
Played an effective role. The Iranianship of the Ashkanians or the revival of Iran, which is the revival of the historical traditions of the Achaemenid era
It began in the late Parthian period. The result of this Islamists' Iranianism revolution with the coming of Ardeshir I and Shapur
First, at the beginning of the Sassanid dynasty, sat down. They could have a traditional Iranian presence along with a community of religious minorities
Various places are located in a place called Iran. In fact, this Sassanian kingdom was the concept
They created the territory that Iranshahr was called "the Iranian territory"
حضورتاریخی ایرانیان در بحرین از آغاز دوره اشکانی تا ظهور اسلام
جلال صفایی پور 1394Bahrain has always had a strategic position and a trading and cultural interferences in Persian Gulf from early times until today, and every civilization dubbed this island differently. Sumerians called Bahrain “Dilmun” and Assyrians called it “Ni Do Ki” and Greeks called it “Tilus”. Bahrain had business relations with “Makken, Moluk & Lian” in last millennia and these 4 islands in the Persian Gulf were the cause of economic prosperity in ancient times. This land was annexed to Cyrus Empery and Achaemenians reached out to Bahrain and constructed a naval base in Qatif. On the dawn of Parthian empire, Bahrain once again became part of Mehrdad(II) realms and Tilus and Garheh ports flourished economically evermore which is reflected in relics of Greek geographers. After this in Sasanians with their presence in the region provided a good urban construction and strong social and political influence, built the “Khat” and “Darin” in Bahrain and started to trade with China and India from this land and this influence was continued up until their fall. In this study it is tried to discuss the role of presence of Iranian s in Bahrain and its ports and islands in Parthian and Sasanian eras and to match the library sources with archeological findings
تحولات سیاسی و دینی دوره یزدگردیکم (399-421 م.)
پروانه یارعلی 1394The first Yazdgerd(399-420 ), by avoiding hostile relations between Iran and Rome and to cease from annoyance and nuisance policy against Jews and Christians , and also to protect them, caused to arouse Zoroastrian clergies’ dissatisfaction. For this reason in historian tradition of Sassanid period, which reflect Zoroastrian clergies’ opinions, the first Yazdgerd was introduced as a cruel and brutal man. On the other hand, Christian references recognized the first Yazdgerd as a gentle and pacific king that did not start a war against Romans, never. And more important than that they knew him as Christianity friend king, and called him another Constantine, as well. Jews resources reminisced the first Yazdgerd as another Cyrus the Great. This research will try to study the first Yazdgerd aspect from Zoroastrians, Christians and Jews viewpoints.
مطالعه و نقد آگاهی های متن های اسلامی درباره دین زرتشت از آغاز تا پایان قرن پنجم ه.ق
داود روانان 1394This study is part of the informaition of Islamic books on Zoroastrianism, from the beginning to the fifth century AH, which has been criticised and reviewed. Because someone has not done an independent research in this regard can be emphasized its value.
Islamic books Information on Zoroastrianism has begun of his own and his time of birth and his place of life. Islamic authors have tried to provide full information of Zoroasters life and his religion. In addition, their information contain: the name of Zoroaster, his lineage, knowledge of his book, the story of his book, Kingdom era (Goshtasp) that Zoroaster lived in the period and other scattered information. Islamic authors have obtained from Zoroastrian religious texts more of this information.
In addition to the aforementioned issues, Islamic authors have discussed about topics such as: the celebration of the Zoroastrian fire, the Zoroastrian holy fires, and fire temples. It seems in this regard, information of Islamic authors, in addition to being derived from Pahlavi texts, other sources have, because this information, especially about the temples,are more.
Another issue that Muslim authors have dealt with is the names that texts have introduced Zoroastrianism by names, names such as "Magi" and "Gebre". In this study, we have tried to answer the question, why Zoroastrians were introduced to these names? also the word "magi" (Zoroastrian) has been examined in muslims religious book, the Koran,and also it has been examined in muslims explanation books.
Moreover, another issue that the Islamic writers have pointed out, is national and religious celebrations of Iranians, which seems their information in this field has been less than other sectors.
ساتراپ نشین ماد در دورۀ هخامنشیان (از سال 550 تا 330 پ.م.)
عادل اله یاری 1394Median satrapy had covered a large part of the land of Achaemenid Empire, infact until the beginning of the reign of first Darius it had formed the biggest part or Achaemenid Satrapi. the Great Cyrus after opening Hegmataneh the place of median kings not only didn’t destroyed there but also it seem that he selected Hegmataneh as his royal residence, and after he the other Achaemenid Persian kings have continued the same trend. As ancient monument and artifacts of Hamedan shows, the Achaemenid kings not only were living some times of year (summer) in Hegmataneh, but also they have built glorious buildings there, like Susa and Perspolis.
Of course, we must recognize that the geographic location of Media land was suitable and essential for Achaemenid kings who wanted to expand its power dominate the lands of central Asia and the caucasus.
Median or rather number of leaders of median found their profits in keeping with the persian Cyrus from the beginning of the reign of Cyrus and during battles of Cyrus and Astyages, hence they surrendered their king to him, so in time of Cyrus number of median were in high level of political and military position and were at service of Cyrus. although at the beginning of kingdom of Darius, medes revolted against him, but it is clear that this events have not changed their positons at the second nation after persian, and satrapy of median had been one of the capitals of Achaemenid kings and third Darius led his soldiers in war against Macodonian conqueror from satrapy of Median disappointed. There for, in this study we have tried to show the role of Median satrapy that have been effective in the critical time of Achaemenid’s period.
موقعیت جغرافیایی و اهمیت سیاسی، اقتصادی پس کرانه های خلیج فارس در دورۀ هخامنشیان
مرتضی شیاسی 1394Fhas have great importance since the dawn of history: rise of civilization in Mesopotamia and Aryans empires "Medians, Achaemenian, Parthians" from economic view point. The discovered antiquities of Prehistoric period of Iran showed that Persian Gulf and Oman Sea played important role in commercial and economic relationship between ancient cities of Iran and South-East of Asia, Europe and Africa. Persian Gulf as a great commercial marine highway has been considered by Iranians since ancient time. Archaeological evidences and historical texts indicate that ancient Iranians were very skillful in maritime; and they develop their maritime dominance in Persian Gulf. So that Iran was absolute owner and ruler of Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean during the Achaemenian era. Iranian's familiarity with maritime and residence in Persian Gulf coasts caused to understand importance of maritime. Analyzing geographical situation and political-economic importance beyond shores of Persian Gulf during Achaemenian era is main goal of the research. Creating economic security, Strengthen maritime military and flourishing maritime trading were the Achaemenian achievements in the strategic region.
شهرسازی ساسانیان: زمینهها و پیامدها
مرضیه بهزادی 1394Urbanism projects of Sasanian, entered Influx from other parts of the country or through the forced displacement of the population of the cities. Islamic sources and even Pahlavi sources confirm this intense interest. The Šahrestānīhā ī Ērānšahr is a surviving Middle Persian text on geography gives us a good vision by naming cities across Asia, Iranian plateau, Mesopotamia, and the Middle East. Many major cities or by the Sassanid kings were built or rebuilt, and therefore bears the name of their kings. The archaeological findings in South-West of Iran, show the decline of population in rural areas and migration to cities that show the city's Sassanian policy. In this thesis, examined the factors that generated the Sassanid period in Iran and the forms in this period have been addressed and the purpose and motivation are trying to find an answer to the question of the Sassanid kings of building new cities and towns factors in the formation of the have been?
مطالعه تطبیقی شخصیت بهرام گور در منابع تاریخی و ادبی
علی خلیلی 1394Bahram V is one of the promineat figures of the iranʼ litrary and historical sources. The life story of this Victorians and prosperous king has been used in many folkloric epic and love stories and made this figure indistinet . some of these sources ara Tarik Tabari, Tha alebi, Ferdwsi shahnameh and Nezamiʼs Haft peykar.Historical and literary sources show that this king was very bravo, powerful and generous.He is a unique in this sources historical sources show him as a model of supporting king who helps the poor and the oppressed. Descriptions of this king is to be fouad in sther nation sʼ cultures for example Hasht behesht by Bidel Dehlavi. Stories of this king are to be found not only in literary and historical text s but also in arts like painting , metal works, carpeting and pottery which shows his times.
This study intends to investigate comparatively these sources to comprehead, historical k nowledga of this and besides show how princes were oducated.
پیدایش و کارکرد نهاد چشم و گوش پادشاه در ایران باستان
مستانه مومنی چلكی 1394Spies were trustworthy and veracious individuals to kings that have been ordering from the king directly. The spies were anonymously watching courtiers, crown prince, government officials, enemies and the country's internal and external situations and then reporting them to the king privately.
According to Herodotus report, Diako, the founder of Median dynasty, was the first king who used special persons for espionage in order to control his territory.
The Greek authors have reported that the Achaemenian also were employing many spies for incessant awareness of their extensive empire. The espionage became more coherent at the period of Dariush1st and named “the eye and ear organization of king”, the Greeks called.
The Feudal reign of Ashkanian did not have the administrative and coherent organizations as period of Achaemenian as but, according to roman's authors, they have used an advancement spy system especially in their conflict against Roman.
According to Tenser’s letter and the Ardeshir pact, Ardeshir babakan, the founder of Sasanians dynasty, had obligated himself to the existence of such this spy system, so that, Roman's reports demonstrates that also his heirs to the crown used that system well, and they could resist more than four centuries against diverse enemies vigilantly.
In this thesis, how the formation of intelligence service of kings, officials and the performances which this organization had in government system and society are investigated from the Median to the end of Sasanians dynasty time.
اهمیت سیاسی، نظامی، اقتصادی بنادر خوزستان در دوره ساسانی
صیدمرادی-رشید 1394The province was the cardle of ciliviztion including elamite and acheamenid inscription that was found in susa and parts of the state of ciliviztion of the frist Sassanid kings were similary noted iran due to its proximity to the open sea in the Persian gulf Sassanid dynastry was of particular interst due to bing located in the north coast of the Persian gulf for centuries important economic and political dimensions of irans military parts in the most important centers of trade and the Persians reigned mahruban ardashir hormozd and dourgh and to the towns of these are included in the port due to the particular situation of the commerce mahruban frist place had these potrs via an extensive road net work with each as well as with the states economic and commercial that’s why the city centers were related with other states inside and outside of iran were connected with martimate ports and consequently they lead economic development inporvince were captives roman stellment in the vally repression arabs at the time of the Sassanid shpour important of the corners later this is a military ports
علت ورود ایرانیان به یمن و تاثیر آن در تجارت دریایی ساسانیان در خلیج فارس
علوی-حمیرا 1393Ethiopian in the year524AD,the Byzantine stilnulation,Yemen attacked, While saif bin DVyzn claimedYemeni government asked for help from ByzantIne. In this thesis we attempted to analysis the modality of conquer the YAMAN by SaSSanian . this conquer was desirable for the princes of Yemen because he had asked Iranian princes to eject the gangsters of ABYSINIA whom were living in Yemen. it is necessary to say that conquer of Yemen had some motivation such as political competitions, economical competitions against the Byzantine for domination on business and commercial roads in red sea which pass on Yemen. In addition the ABRISHAM commerce was being done by a corps under commanding vaharaz DeiLami by Khosro Anoshirvan.
اهمیت تجاری راه های ایالت فارس منتهی به خلیج فارس از دوره ساسانیان تا سقوط آل بویه
جاوید-مرضیه 1393In administrative divisions of Iran in Sassanian era and in the early centuries of Islam, the Fars State was one of the most important Persian Gulf littoral states which has influential role in the political and economic evolutions in the region.
The Fars state was leading to the Persian Gulf via an extensive network of roads. Ports which were located in the Persian Gulf are linked by these roads with Fars state economic and commercial centers and thus, they were connected with other cities and towns of Iran. Actions that were performed in Fars province during the Sasanian and later, during Al-Bouyeh and Azdodoleh, all of them were in order to insure the security of trade routes in this important state. Urban development in the Fars state and building of dams and bridges by the Sassanian, and road safety measures in the Persian Gulf littoral by Azdodoleh Deilami, demonstrate the importance of the Persian Gulf and its trade routes as the highway of caravan routes connecting the East and the West in a period of the Sasanian era to the end of Al-Bouyeh.
نقش واهمیت تنگه هرمز در مبادلات تجاری ایران معاصر
محمد چینی پرداز 1393Enjoying the longest coast in the Persian Gulf area, Iran has a control over all the northern part of the Gulf and as it possesses several islands in the north and in the center of the Gulf as well as in the mouth of Hormuz's strait , its economy is tied to Persian Gulf especially to strait of Hormuz and it is the waterway and the islands and ports that feed the economy of Iran. Thus, the strait of Hormuz plays a critical role for Iran's economy. The national interests of Iran is far more than that of the countries in the Gulf area and naturally, Iran is more affected than those countries from problems occur in the Gulf and mutually the national, regional and international policies of Iran affects the Persian Gulf issues. Although
Iran owns the longest coast in this area and dominates the strait of Hormuz and surrounding islands, it is tightly depended on this strategic strait for exporting and importing its goods and oil substances to and from overseas, in particular the oil carried by tankers and super tankers must be passed through this strait and there is no other way for carrying the oil but it. In fact, it reveals the critical role of this strait for trade.
نقش تنگه هرمز در امنیت ملی و ثبات سیاسی از سال 1357 تا کنون
بهاره بی صدا 1393Abstract:
Strait of Hormuz is a strategic canal in the Persian Gulf that is considered as a communicatire alley for this half closed sea to the worlds free seas. This strait has an important role at the Oil and Gas export for all countries of Persian Gulf field and from strategic its knows as one of important straits and it has the special value of communicational economic military and geopelticy for regional countries and ultra reginal. Protection and preservation of that and oversight of coming and going in this strait is duty of Iran and Oman. They are two coastal countries that the role of Iran is more than Oman. Because Iran includes the northern coasts of Persian gulf and Arabiansea and also. So strategic island in opening of this stait. In addition to canals economic role in Irans economy and all countries of Persian gulf filed. view of iran is a political view because strategic strait of Hormuz increases power of Iran in the region and the world. Because it has power to stop any coming and going in this way at the special moments and overshadowes global and regional economy. But Iran political manner in contemporary history has showed that this country had never interested to do. Because otherwise mono crops economy that are dependents on Iran will be danger and this issue can make harmful result at long time to the national security and political stability of the country. In addition to this Irans threats such as block of Strait of Hormuz can lead other countries to fine replacing ways to Oil exports. That decreses emports in Strait of Hormuz way and so will decrease political power of Iran in Persian gulf field.
نقش ایالت فارس در تجارت دریایی خلیج فارس در دوره ساسانیان
مریم جهانبخشی 1392 -
بندرگاه های بوشهر و نقش آنها در تجارت دریایی خلیج فارس از دوره ایلام تا سقوط آل بویه
عین اله غریبی 1392 -
جایگاه خلیج فارس در روابط اقتصادی و فرهنگی ساکنان ایران و بین النهرین از هزاره ی پنجم قبل از میلاد تا سقوط ایلامیها
اسحاق شهبازی 1391 -
تاریخ خلیج فارس از هزاره چهارم پیش از میلاد تا آغاز دوره هخامنشیان
لاله حسینی لیرسیاهی 1391 -
تاریخ تحولات سیاسی و اقتصادی کرانه های عربی خلیج فارس در دوره اشکانیان و ساسانیان .
صفیه ساكی مفرد 1391 -
خلیج فارس در دوران هخامنشیان و سلوکیان
رجب محمودی 1391 -
سیاست شهرسازی ساسانیان درکرانه های خلیج فارس
روشن زارعی 1391 -
فعالیت های نظامی ، تجاری ساسانیان در خلیج فارس
زهرا اسدبین 1390 -
بررسی شورش ها و قیام ها دوره شاه طهماسب اول و تاثیر آنها بر اوضاع سیاسی و اقتصادی آن دوره
سمیره دزفولی 1389 -
بررسی قیام ها و شورش های دوره ی شاه طهماسب اول صفوی وتاثیر انها بر اوضاع سیاسی واقتصادی ان دوره
سمیره دزفولی 1389 -
جایگاه و کارکردهای سیاسی و فرهنگی طبقه دبیران در دوره ساسانیان
مژده بازار نوی 1375After defeating Ardawān V (213-224 AD), Ardašīr -e- Bābakān (224-240 AD), the last king of the Parthian dynasty in 224 A.D. in the history of Iran, founded the great Sassanid Empire and established his state with new legistation wich was necessary administration. The officials was the secretary who received a distinctive position. The secretary were considered as the third class of the Sassanid society, distinctive class, and the basic pillar of the state. The head of this social class was called “Erān dibharbad” or “Dibherān mahišt” who had much power and consequently they could interfere the political affairs. The secretary’s knowledge and skill in writing was the only distinction which distinguished them from other social classes. And that skill let them do some special affairs which need writing and reading abilities. On those days, one had to go through much difficulty to teach in junior and senior high schools. They were technically taught some special lessons to be able to do their job well in the administration system, and served Sassanid officials and their country.