اعضای هیئت علمی - دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی
Update: 2025-03-03
Saeed Maleki
دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی / گروه جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری
P.H.D dissertations
مدلسازی پیشرانهای پایداری اكولوژیكی شهرهای ساحلی خلیجفارس بر كاهش مخاطرات محیطی (مطالعه موردی: شهرهای ماهشهر، هندیجان، گناوه، بوشهر و عسلویه)
عقیل گنخكی 1403 -
پیشرانهای مؤثر بر تحققپذیری شهر الکترونیک با رویکرد حکمروایی خوب شهری در سلسلهمراتب شهرهای استان خوزستان
علیرضا رحیمی چم خانی 1403 -
سناریو نگاری تأثیر تنشهای آبی ناشی از تغییر اقلیم بر امنیت فضاهای شهری
(مورد مطالعه: كلانشهر اهواز)
هوشنگ مرادی 1402 -
تبیین الگوهای ریخت شناسی شبکه شهری با رویکرد تعادل بخشی به فضا (مطالعه موردی: شهرهای استان خوزستان)
یحیی جعفری 1402 -
تبیین و طراحی مدل بازآفرینی پایدار شهری ( مطالعه موردی: كلانشهر اهواز)
سجاد ملایی قلعه محمد 1401 -
بررسی عملکرد مدیریت بحران سیلاب های شهری با رویکرد توسعه پایدار در شهر اهواز
البرز باقری 1399 -
تحلیل نقش حکمروایی خوب شهری در ارتقای مؤلفه های قابلیت زندگی شهری نمونه موردی: کلان شهر اهواز
محمدرضا روحانی رصاف 1398 -
مدلسازی ساختار شهری با رویکرد تاب آوری از منظر بحران زلزله (مطالعه موردی شهر ایلام)
الیاس مودت 1396Urban resilience is a relatively new concept in urban planning studies and urbanization. Various factors and forces can be effective in spreading resilience. Accordingly, due to the rapid growth of urbanization and, consequently, the damage caused by it, it is necessary to deal systematically with this phenomenon. Because today natural hazards are considered as repeatable phenomena. In some cases associated with severe injuries spiritual and material. For this reason, scholars and academic experts and planners are working to base different approaches and patterns in order to reduce the losses of proper planning. Based on the necessity of the subject and method, approaches along with the spatial planning more complex societies are changing. Such transformations, in variability the patterns of activity and mobility of individuals, families, groups, institutions and organizations are increasingly reflected. A look at the research carried out in the urban research series indicates that the subject matter new subject and, moreover, in gathering some of the information needed in the survey methodology survey it has been used (observation, interviews and questionnaires). Therefore, the methodology of this research is a combination of methods (descriptive, exploratory, surveying, and analytical). In terms of research nature, it has a developmental-applied approach to the overall objective of spatial planning research resilience Index is a city of Ilam. In terms of space statistics the COPRAS and VIKOR methods were used as the basis for the Monte Carlo simulation, and the Visio, Grafer, SPSS, MINITAB and GIS software were used to complete the research. The choice of Hierarchical Multivariate Regression (HMR) method was selected by stepwise method. The results of this method were determined with a confidence level of more than 95%. HMR coefficients are used only to examine the correlation of variables. The results of the findings are based on the calculation of the COPRAS model with the lowest population density in the areas three-4 and three-3, and in the next stage, the areas are four-3 and four-2. Based on the VIKOR model feature four -2 and two -1 the city of Ilam has the smallest distance with the positive and negative ideal of urban alleviation. The deviation of the area four-2 are much more vulnerable than the standard (least resilience) of other areas, and area one-4 is very resilient and is beyond the standard limits of other areas (most resilient). In some parts of the city of Ilam, their resilience is between the normal and the average of urban areas, with a numerical value of between 0/269 and 0/686 percent. Tendency to rescue center in Ilam City (0-1), 0.9% and later 0.8%. That the average urban resilience (0/686) was close and confirmed the vulnerability of areas below the average. Finally, in order to formulate a vision, strategies have been introduced to achieve urban alleviation in the city of Ilam.
Master Theses
مطالعه پیامدهای كالبدی،اجتماعی و فرهنگی سكونتگاه های روستایی تحت تاثیر احداث سد (مطالعه موردی: روستای ظلم آباد شهرستان گتوند)
یاسمین هدایت راد 1402 -
پیامدهای فضایی تبدیل زمین ها و باغ های كشاورزی به باغ ویلا روستای ابوالعباس شهرستان باغملك
سیدنظام الملك حسینی 1402 -
بررسی و تحلیل عوامل اثرگذار بر میزان تمایل شهروندان به استفاده از پل های عابر پیاده (مطالعه موردی: شهر اهواز)
ازیتا مقصودی 1402 -
بررسی و تحلیل شاخص های شکوفایی گردشگری مناطق شهری شوشتر
فریبا داودی 1401 -
بررسی و تحلیل اصول نوشهرگرایی در محلات منتخب شهر بوشهر
محمد حاجیان 1401 -
ارزیابی طرح های توسعه شهری ؛ موانع ، عدم تحقق پذیری و راهکارهای اجرایی (مطالعه موردی: شهر الهایی)
حسین الهائی 1401 -
تحلیل اثرات برنامه های اجتماعی و فرهنگی در توانمندسازی محله های منتخب حاشیه نشین شهر اهواز
ارزو میوه 1401 -
تحلیل و سنجش حکمروایی خوب شهری (مطالعه موردی:شهر هفتکل)
بابك اژدری 1400 -
تأثیر گردشگری مذهبی مراسم اربعین در توسعه شهری سوسنگرد
علی محمدی مزرعی 1400 -
ارزیابی شاخص های شهر دوستدار سالمند (مطالعه موردی؛ شهر اهواز)
داریوش خدابخشی كرلائی 1400 -
اولویتبندی جاذبههای گردشگری بر مبنای تحلیل امکانسنجی توسعه مطالعه موردی شهر اندیمشک
بهروز بیرم وند 1400 -
سنجش توزیع فضایی شاخص های فقر شهری( نمونه موردی : شهر اهواز)
ارمان سیاهپوش 1399 -
نقش رنگ در ایجاد سرزندگی و ارتقا کیفیت محیط شهری ( مطالعه موردی شهر اهواز )
اسیه سلیمانی زاده 1399 -
پراکنش فضایی تخلفات ساخت وساز و عوامل مؤثر بر آن ( مطالعه موردی شهر اهواز)
علی منابی 1399 -
ارزیابی میزان رضایت روستائیان از عملکرد اقتصادی، اجتماعی و کالبدی طرحهای هادی(مطالعه موردی: روستای گمبوعه بزرگ شهرستان حمیدیه )
جاسم بطرانی 1398 -
نقش مشارکت اجتماعی- اقتصادی روستاییان بر توسعه روستایی (مطالعه موردی: روستاهای حوزه نفوذ شهر گلگیر شهرستان مسجدسلیمان)
ابراهیم فتحی پور 1398 -
تحلیل و ارزیابی اثرات اجرای طرح هادی در ابعاد کالبدی- فضایی و محیطی کیفیت زندگی روستایی(مطالعه موردی: روستای میداوود وسطی شهرستان باغملک)
علی طاهری 1398 -
مطالعه ابعاد مختلف سرمایه اجتماعی در توسعه روستایی از دیدگاه روستاییان دهستان مینو بار شهرستان آبادان
زینت هاجری 1398 -
بررسی وتحلیل نقش مشارکت شهروندان در بهبود خدمات و محیط زیست شهری(نمونه موردی شهر ایذه)
فرزانه مهریان 1397 -
بررسی و سنجش میزان تاب آوری در ابعاد کالبدی و اجتماعی در برابر زلزله (مطالعه موردی شهر ایذه)
سیده معصومه رضوی 1397 -
سنجش مولفه های تاب آوری کالبدی در بافت فرسوده شهری (مطالعه موردی: محله عامری شهر اهواز)
محمد زیدی منفرد 1396The impoverished urban texture is said to be a part of the legal area of the city, which has been vulnerable to urban wear and tear, due to apparent exhaustion, and has little spatial and economic value. This research is an applied and methodological "analytical descriptive" which has examined the physical and risk of earthquake risk in the Ameri neighborhood of Ahwaz. In the current research, after analyzing the earthquake hazard, using the Arc-GIS software, we extracted the physical flexibility indices in the worn-out texture of the Ameri neighborhood. Using the Ahp fuzzy model and weighting work continued. In the following, prioritization of elasticity indices in worn urban tissue was done using "spatial self-correlation" and "Anselin local Moran" methods. The texture priorities are also extracted from the spatial and situational relationship and categorized from a fully glare-to-quite-aberrant level. The results of this study indicate that 24.61% of the tissue is in a completely non-biased state with 84102 square meters of texture in this situation, with the largest area. The strategy of strengthening for 23 percent, the immunization strategy for 24 percent, the reconstruction strategy for 18 percent, and the recovery strategy for 50 percent of the area's texture were proposed.
سنجش کارایی و رتبه بندی شهرستان های استان خوزستان در بخش زیرساخت های گردشگری
حسن بیت ساعدی 1395Undoubtedly, the issues of tourism is not new to the human mind; that the man traditionally curiosity by discovering unknown new places, it is proven in human history. Tourism today is the phenomenon of World War II. One of the important objectives that have been considered in tourism cities and villages and pleasant summer climate. The present study aimed at developing practical terms and in terms of cross-sectional methodology Based on library studies and field surveys. Indices in two stages through the extraction of the resources available Research design, statistics, expert opinions were collected books and the main research data that contains information about the tourism infrastructure. To analyze the data the classification criteria were design principles and criteria in mind, Due to the different impact factor for each of the indicators in assessing the performance and ranking city in Khuzestan province in terms of tourism infrastructure Using the model, TOPSIS, and the city was ranked VIKOR measure performance and status. And then analyzed by GIS software Grdydnd.dr now and according to the above results, Khuzestan province in terms of tourism infrastructure in your city is a great difference So that in many of the city The status and performance in this area is very low and the difference between the city first and last city is very intense. And the city of Ahwaz by the overwhelming margin in the first rank in terms of performance and ranking city in Khuzestan province.
بررسی سنجش میزان رضایتمندی شهروندان ازکیفیت زندگی دربافت های قدیمی (مطالعه موردی:محله های صفا وبهارشهربروجرد)
رزیتا گودرزی 1395Quality of live in city Is a broad concept That different meanings for different people Urban growth And socio-economic developments in the recent period is the most outstanding feature of urbanization. due to the growth of urban areas And quality of life in urban population in recent years in industrialized countries and in developing countries, is increasingly, considered0
Along with the urbanization of society, analyzing its implications From Needs of urban studies. On the other hand, given that the calculation and estimation of the quality of life need to Determine and develop a proper benchmark index series, in recent years, standardization of indicators. Quality living environment in both developed and developing countries has become commonplac This study aimed to measure citizen's satisfaction from the quality of life in neighborhoods bahar and safa Boroujerd has been made. The significance of this theoretical - applied and descriptive research method – Analytical, In order to collect data and information from library and field methods have been used. The study population, the citizens of the neighborhood is bahar and Safa. That type of probability sampling based on Cochran formula, the sample size, 320 is achieved Also, with the use of software Spss,Excelwere analyzed Based on tests taken between citizens' satisfaction neighborhood bahar And Safa Boroujerd there is a significant difference. In total, In terms of economic indicators, Skeletal، Sanitary Bahar neighborhood and municipal services Both in terms of individual indicators chosen Both in terms of all indicators From Safa neighborhood is in a better position. Given that this study was to measure and rank the quality of life in the neighborhood Bahar and SafaBorujerd will pay. can be used as evidence for policies and programs to development for all Neighborhoods are possible, and also to create an atmosphere that citizens' awareness of the issues and problems.
Rusty texture and lack of housing and durable-rise buildings, especially in old neighborhoods is possible And raise the intellectual level civilians and set up a program to increase the participation of various sectors in the field of management According to the city to increase the quality of life in neighborhoods that are low can be Affirmative action and the results can be provided to relevant organizations to participate in the program Planning for the neighborhood that can be done while respecting the differences in the living standards of the neighborhood policy more realistic to imporve the quality of live berckward areas to be adopted .
سنجش واریابی کیفیت زندگی مراکز شهری(مطالعه موردی: شهر دهدشت).
حیدر نظری مال شیخ 1394Quality urban life and the subjects that will be considered by the various sciences. In the meantime, the quality of life of urban geography and its impact on the quality of the environment in connection with the performance of the citizens, is studied. Quality of life, the highest level in socio-economic planning purposes and has both subjective and objective. Mental aspects of the person's perception of their quality of life and environment and quality is a relative concept. But the scale of objective, observable and measurable and quantitative concept. This study aimed to measure and assess quality of life in urban centers to study and determine the quality of life in the city center DEHDASHT it. Methods: In this cross-sectional study and data collection approach based on library studies (C), field observations and questionnaires with a sample size of 232 households randomly edited and then to analyze the variables , SPSS software and statistical methods, such as average response, T-test and ANOVA single sample for independent variables was used. The results show that the satisfaction level of the indicators of land in the city center DEHDASHT in a position lower than the average. The results also show that quality of life in the city center DEHDASHT is lower than average. And Spearman correlation coefficient showed a correlation between the location of land use and increase the quality of life there. Finally, the results indicate a low level of quality of life in the city center has been DEHDASHT, out of this situation requires some fundamental policy and optimization in order to improve the quality of urban life.
بررسی رضایتمندی روستاییان از بهسازی و نوسازی مساکن روستایی (مطالعه موردی: روستای لنگر شهرستان شوشتر)
لیلا پوردیلمی 1394Desired state of homeland in rural areas is considered of one the social-economics development indicators in the world s countries. The need for rebuilding and renovation of this houses in Iran, where most of villagers live in villages with inconvenient(Unsuitable) facilities. However, planning to improve this houses is regarded one the most important concern for governments. In this regard, at the end of the third development plan, the government has provided credits for improvement the villagers houses. This research carry out with aim to villagers satisfiction in Longor in Shushtar city. The method applided in this research as regard of purpose based on applied and as regard of methodology is descriptive-analytical. The data collection method is survey-library that based on qestionnarie and were measurad using SPSS Software. The research statistical community including Longor village that they have received credits for village reconstruction plan that includes 66 families have been selected as a loan reciever due to lack of credits. The results show that there is a meanigful relationship between individual characteristics such as( age, sex education) and economic features, facility recievers and in improvement and renovation plan in villages houses. Consequently, other findings suggested that criteria related to satisfaction for improvement and renovation of rural houses, economic chracteristics put in first place(Priority), facility received in the second place(Priority) and individual properties in third place(Priority).
بررسی و تعیین توان اکولوژیکی جهت توسعه مناطق گردشگری (مطالعه موردی : شهرستان ایذه)
عباس سرقلی نوتركی 1394Abstract
Tourism, of course, closely related to the environment, therefore environmental assessment be done properly if the species, Improves design and to prevent failures in the development of tourism and prevent environmental degradation unpublished prediction.The aim of this study was to determine and evaluate the potential areas for ecotourism development in the city izhe consider. Identify areas susceptible to developing ecotourism Ecotourism model Ecological tourism was performed. Each of the parameters provided in the model, such as the shape of the earth (slope, altitude and direction geographic) soil (fertility, depth, structure, texture and drainage), vegetation (density, vegetative form and range condition), land use, climate (temperature distribution, sunny days) Dubai city water separately and digital maps of these data was prepared. The layer above the proposed target data model based on ecotourism served, were classified. Analyze and summarize and evaluate the data using GIS, was the final map prone areas the development of ecotourism city, was prepared. And presentation layers using AHP model in the model were evaluated Ecological tourism what layers are good for the ecology and tourism are valuable. Also using Chill and Mahan, the city's environmental climate was studied. The findings with regard to both determine and assess the areas prone to developing ecotourism in the city can be concluded that the region has great potential in tourism, especially in the tourism sector-wide that in this field and investment in the facilities infrastructure this can be achieved. The survey also found comfort in the city izhe climate, the results of this study showed that during the months of October and April has applied to intervene in any case the situation is favorable and the wind can be said about the days of March, April, November Calniks bioclimatic is a desirable situation.
تحلیلی بر مشارکت شهروندان در بهبود خدمات شهری و محیط زیست شهری(مطالعه موردی نواحی شهری باغملک)
رسول سروستان 1394Viewed: Due to the increase in urban population in recent decades, urban development if we want to meet the needs of present and future generations of the city and the urban environment, we must plan for managing the cities based on informed participation of citizens. One of these areas, urban management system is public participation. The aim of this study is an analysis of the role of citizen participation in improving urban services and urban environment, the city is Bagh. Method is a combination of field and library. In a field survey of 325 residents of the town of Bagh in 1394 in the areas of citizen participation through the use of questionnaires, utilities, sampling proportional to the sample size (by using Cochran) were selected and studied. Type a descriptive and applied research and to analyze the data using software is Spss and Excel. Kendall test to test hypotheses and find research-December, Spearman and Friedman and eventually using clamps multi-criteria decision model (Topss) to determine the rank and importance of each indicator is used. The results show Dhd.kh between citizen participation and awareness in city governance, citizen participation and gender and education between citizens, between citizens and the civil service is a significant relationship between age and only Azarh citizen participation in municipal affairs of demonstrated a significant relationship. Results obtained from topsis model suggests that the second area of seven neighborhoods have the highest rating of 1.8784 and a neighborhood area with the lowest rank and importance is second with 1.005.
تحلیل اثرات زیست محیطی رشد و گسترش افقی شهری ( مطالعه موردی: شهر ارومیه)
قاسم فرهمند 1394Cities, the highest since the beginning of biological gathering place of human life, “he said. on urban life to one of the important fractal history of humanity , and the city of and embodiment of social , economic , political and cultural each period. Currently, one of the cases of all the towns of urban growth in the country, and consequently the spread of the reptile land around the city. Orumieh city of Iranian cities, which is different reasons for growth and horizontal expansion of procedural. The aim of this research to identify the most important impact on the environment and horizontal expansion growth of this city. The main research method of research, descriptive analysis method. To achieve goals from a questionnaire tool, satellite imagery, statistics, the existing evidence and documents in other relevant organizations. Four demographic research area of this city with 680 thousand people. To analyze data and factors effective in the growth of horizontal expansion town, from the Multivariate regression tests in SPSS software is used. Results show of between factors (economic, social, political and cultural, social and political factors) with a factor (B=.550) and (B=.412), to the influence of other factors. Also to discuss environmental effects of growth and horizontal expansion of the city, the first satellite images and the processing of the algorithm Maximum likelihood software was used in ENVI. The results showed that horizontal expansion of this city in the last few decades, primarily destroyed about 6000hectares of farmland in and around this city. Also to determine other environmental effects, including the thermal islands and the pollution of water resources from other statistics thermometers and installed in other 9area of the city. Results show that the central regions of this city with 4°C compared to other areas of the city center heat island city and west of the city, due to the lack of this collection network sewage, one of the main sources of infecting surface water and underground this city.
سنجش کیفیت محیط شهری در شهرهای جدید (مطالعه موردی : شهر جدید صدرا)
سجاد نوروزی جهان اباد 1394The rapid growth of cities, especially large cities, with features such as the high concentration of population and activities have negative effects on the urban environment. On the other hand, the environmental crisis and undermining the foundations of the global environment in the introduction of "environmental quality" as part of the overall concept of "quality of life" have been effective. In such circumstances, and with regard to meeting basic human needs and motivations of the urban environment, the quality of the urban environment in the literature Shhrshnasy, planning, design and civil engineering is considered.The concept of the new city in the urban environment and quality of environment in new Knd.mbnay Sadra, a measure of satisfaction with the quality of the urban environment from the perspective of residents. Gathering information through questionnaires and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software. Methodological quality of the environment on the basis of multi-criteria decision-making methods and models used are based on experiences and case study Sadra New Town was formed. Based on the results of this study, the quality of the urban environment from the perspective of residents in Stj Sadra new town is low. Satisfaction with the quality of the urban environment towns Town Sadra Sadra different phases 1 and 2 so that the phase 1 and phase 2 Average 41/2 quality than the average is 15.2.
ارزیابی و پهنه بندی آسیب پذیری مناطق شهری در برابر زلزله (مطالعه موردی شهری یزد)
مودت -الیاس 1393The earthquake has long been one of the most destructive in the world and threatening the destruction of human life - has been peripheral. And damages caused by the different dimensions (physical, social, etc.) realize that modern urban living style and the most vulnerable in the world, it is. But this natural phenomenon in itself in any place can be a potential for crisis and damage. But preparation and careful planning to determine the degree of damage control, reducing the adverse consequences of an earthquake can be determined by the degree of crisis. Consequently, understanding the social and physical aspects of the topic which is about double the damage of the earthquake will be necessary. The survey was the nature of "development - applied" research "analytical" in the Yazd city focused on the study of the subject. Since man is the only tool for determining damages resulting from the available data and quantitative methods - is significant; This study is based on 117 variables of social indicators - physical techniques VIKOR, SMART-Entropy and TOPSIS and GIS Excel and SPSS software for seismic risk assessment is discussed. Desired results have shown that the structural damage caused by the earthquake intensity is approximately 3 to 4 no damage or very poor. Also shown are the results of the statistical model
Zone 2 and 1 in Yazd Respectively the highest and lowest 183/0 and 642/0 the city's vulnerability to earthquakes in the city of Yazd have.
بررسی کارکرد شهرهای کوچک در نظام شهری و توسعه منطقه ای (استان لرستان)
كرمی-مهران 1393Today, the regions surrounding the metropolitans in the developing countries are growing strongly. They have swallowed all the facilities including services and the capital of their country. However, they are wrestling with numerous difficulties such as shortage of housing, elevated unemployment rate, marginalization issue, insufficiency of delivering suitable urban services as well as environmental degradation. On the other hand, other areas such as cities, towns and the villages at these countries have been left behind from development plans and undergone a standstill in the course of progress. Since economic solutions are not able to overcome these problems, some of the researchers and analysts urban affairs have focused their attention on towns (small cities) as a basic solution to cope with disparity caused by prime urban growth, by which … this research aims to formulate the function of small cities in the urban system and local development (Lorestan province). This is a theoretical- practical research and the method is descriptive- analytical one. The data was collected through library studies and referring to statistics bulletins. They analyzed by elasticity coefficient, Topsis, spatial factor, EXCEL software. The findings show that based on the elasticity factor, the small cities in the Lorestan urban system have had a positive impact in term of population. According to Topsis, the small cities have had an economically positive effect in the urban system of Lorestan. The spatial factor indicates the in term of economic function the small cities in this province are dominantly agriculture not industry and service.
سنجش میزان رضایتمندی شهروندان از کیفیت زندگی شهری)مطالعه موردی، مناطق 2، 7 شهرداری اهواز )
كریمی-بهرام 1393Quality of urban life is a broad concept that has different meanings for different individuals and groups. It can be as meters for welfare, social welfare, happiness, satisfaction and have interpreted. Ahvaz in Iran as the seventh metropolitan problems and difficulties faced in relation to quality of life. This study aimed to assess the level of satisfaction with the quality of life for the citizens of the town and about two and seven municipal districts of Ahvaz has been The nature of theoretical research - applied research ahead descriptive - analytic study. The nature of theoretical research - applied research ahead descriptive - analytic study. Library and field data collection methods are used. In this study, the effects Marnamhha library and is used in conjunction with the city of Ahwaz. The research sample consisted of residents in Ahwaz citizens of the two counties and seven municipalities in Iran were studied. Stratified probability sampling method and sample size based on the Cochran formula, 383 people. Proportional to the population size of the questionnaire were distributed to the study areas. Then, also using SPSS and EXCEL, data and information were analyzed. Based on tests taken two to seven residents' satisfaction that there are significant differences. Overall indices of economic, health, environmental and ecological ¬ utilities between the two regions in terms of individual selection criteria and combined criteria of the seven are in better condition.
نقش سرمایه اجتماعی در توسعه پایدار محلات شهری(مطالعه موردی: محلات رفیش آباد و نهضت آباد شهر اهواز)
عباس مقیمی 1392 -
ارزیابی سطح رضایتمندی شهروندان از عملکرد شهرداری در حوزه خدمات شهری مطالعه موردی: شهر ایلام)
سجاد منفرد 1391 -
ارزیابی و تحلیل مشارکت شهروندان درپروژه های شهری مطالعه موردی: خط یک متروی شهر اهواز
سجاد ملایی قلعه محمد 1391 -
تحلیل پایداری زیست-اجتماعی شهر داراب با تأکید بر توزیع کاربری فضای سبز شهری
اصغر سروی 1390 -
بررسی راهبردی توسعه گردشگری در استان کهگیلویه و بویر احمد
كریم رادی 1390 -
بررسی زمینه های توسعه گردشگری پایدار شهری (نمونه موردی: شهر باغملک)
حیدر رخشانی مقدم 1390 -
امکان سنجی توسعه گردشگری شهرستان ممسنی با تأکید بر شهر نورآباد
محمدرضا امیری فهلیانی 1390