Ali Bahranipour

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-03

Ali Bahranipour

دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی / گروه تاریخ

Master Theses

  1. بررسی نقش اقتصاد شبانی در تاریخ محلی خوزستان (از ورود اسلام تا آغاز سلسله آل مشعشع)
    كوثر البوغبیش 1403
  2. روند ورود و قدرت گیری تركان در دوره غزنویان
    قاسم طاهری 1403
  3. نقش طریقت نقشبندیه در تجارت ماوراء النهر و جاده ابریشم در قرون 8 و 9 ه.ق
    هاجر رشیدی فر 1402
  4. تداوم و تحول در تاریخ محلی خوزستان در عهد مغول از سال 656 تا 756 ه. ق
    عبدالمجید جلیلیان 1402
  5. نقش طریقت سهروردیه در انتشارات دین اسلام در حوزه اقیانوس هند( سده های 6 تا 10 هجری قمری)
    معصومه جرفی 1402
  6. عوامل تاریخی موثر بر تحول فن طبابت در ایران از عهد مغولان تا سقوط سلسله آق قویونلوها
    حسین ملك ناصری 1402
  7. روابط خارجی دربار سلطان محمد خوارزمشاه (۶۱۷-۵۹۶ ه-ق)
    مسلم سمالی 1401
  8. بررسی كیفی نفوذ ایرانیان در دستگاه امپراتوری مغول (از اگتای قاآن تا منگو تیمور)
    متین زمین پیرا 1401
  9. بررسی منابع درآمد بیت المال مسلمین از عصر پیامبر (ص) تا پایان عصر اموی
    مناف نعمه طاهر 1401
  10. اقدامات سیاسی، اقتصادی و عمرانی دولت اموی در دوران معاویه ابن ابی سفیان
    محمود مخور عاصی 1401
  11. بررسی و مقایسه جایگاه شهید زید بن علی بن الحسین(ع) در نزد امامیه و زیدیه
    رحیم سدخان حسین 1401
  12. نقش حکومت‌های محلی آل جلایر و آل مشعشع در تاریخ اجتماعی، اقتصادی و فرهنگی خلیج فارس در قرن 8 تا 11
    معصومه سرخه 1400
  13. تداوم و تحول در تاریخ محلی دشت میشان از ورود اسلام تا سقوط آل مشعشع
    عبدالكاظم علی نژاد 1400
  14. سهم اقتصاد نیشکر در تاریخ نیشکر خلیج فارس (از ورود اسلام تا برنامه پنجم توسعه)
    عبدالرضا مقدم دوست 1400
  15. تداوم و تحول در تاریخ محلی لرستان در زمان سلسله اتابکان لر کوچک ( 580-1006 هـ . ق )
    مصطفی جهانگیری مجد 1399
  16. تحلیل تاریخی جزر و مدّ نهرهای حوضه اروندرود در کشاورزی و توزیع مویرگی کالا (از دوره اسلام تا سقوط حکومت محلی آل کعب).
    ناصر بوعذار 1399
  17. نقش موقوفات مدارس در اوضاع علمی ایران عهد ایلخانی
    رویا ضرابی هزاروند 1398
  18. تداوم و تحول تاریخ محلی شوش از فتوحات اسلامی تا نخستین حفاری های باستان شناسی در عهد ناصری
    هدا منصوری 1397
  19. بررسی تاثیر سیاست های تیموریان بر نظام قشر بندیِ اجتماعی امصار جامعِ؛ با تأکید بر شهرهای سمرقند، هرات، سلطانیه و تبریز در قرن 9 هـ. ق
    سعیده زمان پور 1397
  20. تولید و تجارت جواهرات در ایران از ابتدای حکومت غزنویان تا پایان حکومت ایلخانان مغول
    فاطمه پوربختیاری 1396

     This research dealing with making and trading jewelries in the middle period – from beginning of Ghaznavids rule up to end of Ilkhanate rule – allows for recognition and explanation of contribution of such a business in an economic system. In general, two categories had been involved in relation to the manufacturing and trading of jewelries in question :( 1) political and economic geography of each government (2) performance of each government to establish a political centralization and desirable conditions in order to promote exchange and distribution of jewelries. In the Ghaznavids era, appropriate to geographical situation, the manufacturing of jewelries was mainly focused on eastern and northeast mountains. In this direction, the jewelries were mostly traded in neighboring regions such as China, India, and Turkestan. During Ziyarid dynasty and Buyid dynasty, the jewelries were mainly marketed within northern , middle regions as well as Persian gulf 's ports( in particular, in Siraf). With beginning of Ghaznavids rule, contingent on political geography of this government, the centers of manufacturing and trading of jewelries were increased. The trading centers of jewelries were moved towards ports within Oman Sea (except the Tiz (tent) port) as well as Red Sea. During Khwarazmian dynasty, trade of jewelries was dropped, due to economic insecurity, and was limited to China and Turkestan. When the Ilkhanate dynasty dominated a large part of Iran, it followed by highly booming the manufacturing and trading of jewelries. As the manufacturing overseen by government and law made on jewelries trading, it led to boom the centers for transaction. The sea trade in the Persian gulf( Kish and Hurmuz) was flourished and the trading was centralized in the Azerbaijan( Tabriz and Sultanyieh). It can be said that such a business in Iran's commerce had resulted in relative economic growth and this is contributed by increased money valuation arising from such a commodity. In addition, during political stability of the government, the manufacturing and trading of this kind of commodity were fairly boomed, whereas they dropped when the government in a weakness position. The methodology of this research is based on a historical principle and it is a descriptive- analytical. The data was gathered by a library study. The aim of this study is to examine the manufacturing and trading conditions of jewelries in the Iran's economy from beginning of Ghaznavids rule up to end of Ilkhanate rule.

  21. تحول نظام پولی ومالی ایران درعصرمغول (736-616 ه ق)
    مینا عبادی 1395

    Abstract: Mongol invasion of Iran was one of the most highly turbulent and critical period. It was associated with a decline and destroy which had widely affected the economic structure. The ravages left after invasion of Iran and the factors behind the changes during that period led to dispatch Hulagu on the behalf of Mongol government on the second half of seventh century and to establish Ilkhanate government. The triumph of Hulagu was associated with booties of war, but soon the treasure of the government was ran out as the result of imprudence policies as well as financial corruptions from Mongol's agents. After death of Hulagu, the tax collection became a main revenue source for Ilkhanate of Mongol, this is while the time colleting booties of war came to an end and the Ilkhanate was engaged in defensive wars imposed by enemies as well as civil wars, which imposed huge costs on the government. During governance of Ilkhanate, the Mongol 's rulers and the agents who had a duty to collect the tax, over years levied the provinces tax for several times. Hence, repeatedly collecting tax and increasing the amount of tax arbitrarily as well as lack of a written and legislated law for financial system had played a destructive role led to diminish agricultural activities and to stop trading transactions. Though Ghazan khan by consideration of financial and monetary affairs managed to refresh the economy with a relative growth , but it would not last long and after death of Ghazan khan, the imposition of arbitrary heavy tax was resumed and the voracious for collecting tax and accumulating wealth made the economic situation worse. The monetary system was based on gold and silver coins which the latter were most used in the transactions. Before the Ilkhanate became Muslims, each territory introduced its own coins with a specific weight and so it caused a severe instability in monetary system and there was no a clear relation between gold and silver coins. The Ilkhanate's financial policies and their officials' ultimately resulted in running out the treasure and to circulate a currency called Chaw (eye). The Mongol's rulers before Ghazan khan did not consider the regulation and stability of monetary system and for this reason had not a dramatic achievement . Ghazan khan had some achievement in this case in his own ruling and following him, there was no consistent monetary system. It does not mean that they had undergone recession and scarcity of liquidity because there was a plenty of coins from Ghazn khan to Abu Saeed rules.

  22. تأثیر ازدواج‌های سیاسی بر ساختار قدرت در دوره‌ی مغول (756-617 هجری قمری)
    كبری بیرگانی قربانی 1395

     In this research, which investigates the effect of the marriage of state on power structure during Mongols era, two variables are involved. One is women and marriage of state and the other is the power structure during Mongol era, from rise of Genghis Khan through fall of Ilkhanate. The Mongols were nomadic peoples who were living collectively as a tribe. This hard nomadic life had made the tribes to keep their relations strongly. One of the possible ways to maintain their relations was marriage of state. Along with other factors, it helped Genghis Khan to join both Mongols and non- Mongols tribes within Magnolia together and to establish his empire. Also, when Genghis Khan was extending his empire beyond Magnolia borders, this trick favored him to stabilize his power there. After Genghis Khan death, his sons and successors continued this process, especially Ilkhanate of Iran who had made to draw on marriage of state due to domestic and foreign issues faced with them, so that they could keep their subjects under control. Such marriages were common among Ilkhanate and align rulers, in particular with Christians in order to find allies against Muslims.
    The present research, by drawing on marriage of state, aims to explore various sides of these marriages and to make clear what affect they have on Mongol's power structure. The investigations suggest that these marriages brought peace to Mongol's territories and extension of power to the conquered lands at the beginning of their ruling , but at last these marriages were caused to collapse the Mongols' rule. The marriage of state was contributed to establish a strong ties with Christians in order to empower themselves against their common enemies. The methodology of this research is a descriptive- analytical one for which the data were collected through library sources and analyzing the collected materials.

  23. بررسی مهاجرت قبایل عرب به خوزستان و پیامدهای آن بر تاریخ محلی منطقه( ازبرآمدن خلافت عباسی تا پایان سلسله زندیه)
    زهرا بریسم 1395

    Due to conquests, conditions of Arabia land such as natural, economic, social factors, tribal disputes and civil wars, Arabs began to migrate to some regions outside of Arabia peninsula like Rome and Iran. As a northern neighbor of Arabia peninsula, Iran had attracted Arabs attention since ancient era because of its fertility. The extent of Khuzestan land and its geographical diversity, which after rule of Cyrus became one of the Iran's fertility land, led to many peoples including Arabs settle in this region with their own characteristics and traditions more than before. Although the immigration of Arabs to Khuzestan dated back to Parthian empire, later this region was faced with frequent Arabs immigration , which can be referred to such tribes as Musha'sha'iyyah and Al Kaab. Arrival of Arabs to Khuzestan led to culturally, economically, socially and politically changes. The present study attempts to deal with immigration of Arabs to Khuzestan. The basic question is that what effects the immigrations has had on this region? According to hypothesis of this research, the settlement of many tribes in Khuzestan cites was associated with various social and cultural results such as Islam development, urbanization, and change in social structure.

  24. بررسی نقش و تاثیر بندر بصره در زمان حکومت های محلی مشعشعیان و دیریان( 845 تا 1176 ه . ق )در روابط ایران و عثمانی
    ناصر سودانی 1395

    Abstract :
    The Persian Gulf and its developments between 1423-1665 have such importance that without studding and understanding it one can’t study and analyze the developments of contemporary of the important subjects in the developments of Persian Gulf in the period of MOSHASHAEIAN and DIRIAN -tow local governments- was the gulf ports and the competition between them. The port of Basra in the discussed period of time was one of the important political and military poles in the gulf. And also was more secure commercial and production spot for the merchants of the gulf. This investigation studies the role and the effects of the Basra port on the Iran and Ottoman relationship in three different levels: local-national and regional. This investigation designed on the basis of this main question that “What is the role of Basra port in the period of MOSHASHAEIAN and DIRIAN between 1423 to 1754 on the Iran – Ottoman relationship?” The hypothesis of this investigation is that Basra port was center of the interrelation in which the condi-tions of the local governments (MOSHASHAEIAN and DIRIAN) was depended on the power and weakness of the central government. The active presence of the natives and the distance of the cen-tral governments from the disputation center (Basra port) harden the control of the situations. The geographical position of the Basra port and settling on the Haj and pilgrimage caravan road increase the importance of the Basra. The Basra port in the forgoing period of time was emigrant center for the worker and scholars.

  25. تاثیر تحولات سیاسی بر تاریخ اجتماعی نیشابور از ورود مسلمانان تا پایان سقوط سامانیان
    سارا خدری 1395

    Neyshobur, one of the ancient cities of Khorasan, was conquered by moslems in the year 30 A. H. and turned in to one of the mast important Islamic cities of the time During Dmavian Period, there were some rebellions against Omavian government in this city, which displayed dissatisfaction of its people with Omavian. After the formation of Taherian government, Neyshabur was chosen as the capital of this government and reached its optimal boom. Abdullah Ben Taher had an important role in the prosperity of the city After Taherian, Safarian government came into power and Neyshabur, which was still the capital, was of high significance. The short period of Safarian was spent on war and Struggle; therefore, there was no evolution in the solial status of the city. With Samanian government coming into power, the capital was transferred from Neyshabur to Bukhara. However, Neyshabuy was still so important and considered as the basis of Khorasan Ruler. In this period, as a result of relative peace and Security throughout the realm of Samanian, Neyshabur was also peaceful, never the less, many wars and conflicts occurred on the governance of Neyshabur and Kharasan. People's social life was influenced by the political status of the city. The social strata of the city included government families, farmers, armed forces, business people, industrialists, craftsmen, and slaves. During Samanian period, lots of schools and learning centers were formed in Neyshabur, such as beyhaqyh. This study tries to find out the effects of political changes on the social history of Neyshabur from the entrance of moslems to the fall of Samanian.

  26. بررسی روابط طریقت های صوفیانه و اهل فتوت با پیشه وران در جامعه ایران عهد مغول(756-617ه.ق)
    انیسه سادات قاری زاده 1394

    Abstract :
    Irfan, Sufism, and Chivalry are deep-rooted in the history of Iran. Following the invasion of Iran by Moguls, Sufism and Sufi Tariqas got expanding and penetrated all layers of Mogul-dominated Iran’s society .In this era; Sufism mostly influenced social classes and craftsmen. Correspondingly, a mutual relation was formed based on Sufis’ spiritual support of craftsmen and craftsmen’s obedience and financial support in return.The relation of Sufi and Chivalry Tariqas with craftsmen in Mogul-dominated Iran can be studied in different ways: Socially, some relations were established between Sufi Tariqas and craftsmen. The Impacts that Sufism and Chivalry had on craftsmen. Commonalities among practitioners of Sufism and craftsmen, that both were paid more attention in this era. The relations of Sufi and Chivalry Tariqas with craftsmen were based on enlightening, guidance, and craftsmen’s help-seeking from Sufi and Chivalry leaders. It was also based on service and finance relations between people, craftsmen and Sufi Tariqas in Mogul-dominated Iran.This study explores the kind of relations and commonalities of Sufi and Chivalry Tariqas with craftsmen. In Moguls era, most of craftsmen were people from middle-class and high-class of Iran’s society. This historical study applies analytic-descriptive approaches and its sources are collected from libraries. In the study on passages, literature books, itineraries, and biographies are used as well as history books, Irfan books, Sufi treaties, and Chivalry treaties.

  27. نقش غلامان و بردگان ترک در جامعه ایرانی ازآغاز سامانیان تا فروپاشی ایلخانان ( 204ه-736ه)
    سیده حلیمه بذر منش 1394

    The Iranian government has been greatly changed during the history and Turks have had a determining role in these developments. In the history of Islam, arrival of other ethnic groups in Iran and on the Iranian government has always created a lot of changes,which Turks were one of that ethnics.With the arrival of large numbers of Turkish slaves to the samanid government,governance was in evitable with out these servants in the later periods.They had ruled governments in form of powerful military force in different areas.It is important to note that the first sparks of entry and the presence of the Turkish was during the government of Samanid.Turkish court slaves achieved senior officials in the government and even managed to form various governments outside of the territory of Iran. Ghaznawids was the most important center of Turkish slaves after the samanid.Seljuks also continued the method of previous kings. At that time, many slaves were Soltani. During the kharazmshahi, that themselves were Seljuk Turk slaves, Turk slaves had retained their status.Also attack of Genghis khan to iran was reviving the practice of slavery, slavory was continued during his successors, Ilkhans. From the fourth to the seventh century AD, Turkish slaves had increased so much power that none of the authorities were not able to deal with them. And if someone disagreed with them, they would punish the person in any way or they would murder him/her.This implies a complete dominance of Turkish slaves on the government agencies and the military of the ruling dynasties.

  28. بررسی فرهنگ تغذیه مردم ایران از عصر مغول تا پایان عصر صفوی
    هاجر بهبودی 1394

    The land of Iran has always been rich in food variety due to its natural environment and various animal and agricultural products. The analysis of food and nutrition, which were important issues in daily lives of people, may contribute to the uncovering of some dark sides of social history of Iran. The type of food consumed by a group of people could express the economic power of that group. It could also be a sign of group identity, social class, sex, race, and ethnical identity. The present study investigates the nutrition habits of Iranian people from Mongol period to the end of Safavid dynasty. There are two variables in the study: nutrition habits and Iran society from Mongol to Safavid dynasty. In this time period, Iran society developed from the tribal political structure into Safavid urban government. The aim of the study is to investigate the nutrition habits of Iranian people from Mongol to Safavid in order to clarify some dark sides of the social and cultural history if Iran. The design of the study is descriptive-analytical and the data were collected from library sources and then analysed for the purpose of the study

  29. نقش غازی گری در اقتدار و پایداری دولت های ایران از غزنویان تا برآمدن مغول
    محمدعلی رضایی پور 1394

    Abstract: At early Islamic centuries especially 3rd to 5th (A. D) centuries, in Persian governments the thought of Ghaza or holy war has had an influential role in the administration of Islamic territories concerned with non-muslim countries. Since the appearance of semi-independent Persian governments under the shadow of Islamic Caliphs, according to political policies of Islam, governments were bound to resist pagan attacks on one hand and plan assaults- in the name of Jihad and expanding religion- against the pagan enemies on the other hand. So such a thought has had an impact on the growth and development of these governments. Therefore the purpose of this study is to Analytical and descriptive investigate by Tool library and the role of Ghaza in appearance and development of such Islamic governments until the rush of Mongols in a descriptive and analytic way. The results of the study show that the common people had also a severe desire for Ghazigari and rushed to the fronts voluntarily making a large amount of Ghaznavi army. It was the ideology of Ghaza on which the solid Saljughi empire was based. The role of Ghaza was so main that with its wane from the end of Saljughi era, the Persian zeal for defense broke and the background for no real countering with non- muslim forces including Gorgis and Mongols got provided.

  30. تداوم وتغییر در تاریخ محلی بهبهان از ورود اسلام ( 23 هـ.ق )تا پایان حاکمیت سادات طباطبایی(1287هـ.ق)
    پناهی-فرنگیس 1393

     Behbahan history was alonged with Arjan history always and everywhere. Historians have attributed this city genesis to the first Qubad of Sasani, but discovering the bronze casket in 1361 (HS) delivers its antiquity to Ilam period. By entering Arabian muslim to Iran, they conquest Arjan peacefully in 23 (HQ). This city was considred more with the rise of Islamic regimes such as (Safaris, Buwayhid, and Sljqyan) and it was reached its bloom in the period of Buwayhid rulers of Arjun. After that, since this city had castles such as Nazer and Tanbour, observed the rise of the Ismaili Daeian. Finally, Sliqyan occupied all of the castles and fortification. But this city was destroyed by repeating earthquakes that were occurred in Arjan, and due to these destructions, current Behbahan city was formed in a few kilometers far from Arjan and after that, Sadat Tababayi governed this city. This dynasty had important role during the events which were occurred in Iran domain and Behbahan city in next periods, such as: mahmoud Afghan attack to Behbahan and Mohammad Khan Balouch's insurgence in the Afshariye period and Mirza Alireza Khan insurgence in Zand’s period. In Qajarieh period, Mirza Quma mutinied against the central government in 1266(HQ) that eventually was arrested and after that, although Behbahan government get out from this dynasty order, this dynasty had power until the end of Qajar. The aim of this study is to clarify the evolution, continuity and the changes of Behbahan city from Islam entrance to the end of Sadat Tababayi regime.

  31. تحول سیاستهای عمرانی و شهرسازی ایلخانان در بازسازی و آبادگری ایران (756-616هـ.ق)
    مرادی-كوكب 1393

    Mongolians leaded by changizkhan attacked iran in 616, at that time soltan mohammad kharazmsgah was the king of iran. Mongolians invasion caused widespread devastation on the historical buildings in Iran. Due to these invassions, too many places in cities like libraries, masques , schools , abbeys were set to fire or destroied in attacks. After about 40 years, by establishing ilkhans government, holaku started to rebuild the devasted lands and buildings. As he knew that rebuildings is possible just by Iranian synergyo, he asked Iranian offieals such as juonis family sushas, khaje nasirodin to stay in their positions and help him. These wise top-tier officals got Mongolians savages to rebuild the damaged areas. So by ilkhanians government policy, they became culture phil and the fanatic of art and architect . in this era most of the destoried buildings were rebuilt especialy qazan khan, and two other ilkhanians goverment, oljaito and abusaeed, established new and magnificent building,soltaniye dome is the salient example of the magnificent architect.which is a good criterion for againing knowledge about the buildings.

  32. سیر تکوین وتحول نظام شرطگی درایران ازوروداسلام تاپایان دوره صفو یه
    حیدری-ناجی 1393

    Shorte entity evolved with the coming of Islam to Iran, especially in Bani-Omaye period and had been held by judges. It has had a close connection to the Barid Bureau. All the Islamic regimes which ruled Iran during Abbasian period ( Taherian, Safarian, Samanian, Al-e-Boye) had adapted the Baghdad’s Shorte entity. The time the Turks( Ghaznavies, Saljoghes , Kharazmshahiyies) came to power in Iran, the term Shorte was eliminated from the military entities and gave its place to some Turkish terms like “ shahne”, whose duty was to keep order and security in this period. Beside military affairs, to name a few, they held military, judging, and troop commander affairs, as well. In this period, also, they had cooperation with those who held the positions of military, jury, financial and mohtaseb. Invasion of Moguls to Iran and fixation of IL khans’ power brought about the emergence of new positions such as “ darughe” beside shahne. Alongside their own main charges, they took the charges of the governor of city and the collector of tax, as well. In Teimurian’s era, the positions like “Ghorchi, gharasavaran, and etc.” were responsible for order and security alongside daroghe. Doroghes have been held at the positions of military commanders, as well. Beside Daroghe as the keeper of order and security of the city, some other positions came out like “Isfahan daroghe”, “daftarkhane daroghe”, “frashkhane daroghe” and etc. as military organizations. Disciplinary officers, in this era, were under the command of Beige Bureau, khan, etc. The disciplinary officers of this time, beside their own duties, had been held as king’s ambassador, military commander, governor of the capital, and warder.

  33. بازتاب اندیشه های خواجه نصیرالدین طوسی در کنشهای سیاسی و فرهنگی او
    معرفیون - زینب 1393

    Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Hassan ibn Abu-Bakr Tussi, known by the name Nasir Aldine Tussi, was born in 597 AH in Tus. It is impossible to recognize his political and cultural thoughts and proceeds without a reasonable perception about political, intellectual and social space of his lifetime. Because he observed political and social events such as Mogul's attacks and their government, Ismaeilian's extinction and Abbasid's caliphate. He launched an accompaniment as a courtier and a politician with the sultans to come true his political and cultural goals in an era full of political anarchy. His presence in Ismailian and Mongolian state is an explicit reason to prove it. This accompaniment with them wasn't for accepting their domination, even it was to reform and guide them, and to make use of their power to his goals progress. According to the investigation which was based on his own affair, he set up an observatory in Maraghe. This is considered as his most important scientific and cultural measure. By considering his attention kept on science and power, at the same time he gave attention to politic; and had the special theories of political themes and management being consistent with his political and cultural measures. As defined in, he wrote a book named Akhlaq Naseri about politics and governances. This publication shows importance of his political thoughts in history of Islamic thoughts. In this investigation we try to analyze his thoughts reflections and their significant relation with political and cultural actions.

  34. تداوم و تغییر در تاریخ محلی ایذه از ورود اسلام(17 ه.ق) تا پایان حکومت خوانین بختیاری(1342ش)
    كردحبیبی-سودابه 1393

    <p>&lt;p style=&quot;text-align: left&quot;&gt;Having conquered by Muslims (17 H.A century), Izeh city became a part of Basra province and was ruled by Abbasid caliphate until this dynasty was weakened. Since 4th H.A century onward when the autonomous and sub-autonomous governments were emerged, Izeh city attracted the attention of such dynasties as Buwaynid, Ziyarid and Seljuqs. In the year 550 H.A when the Great Lor At Abakan government was established in this area, it chose to seat its office in this city. In turn, Izeh spent its golden age during this period. After falling the rule of the great Lor Atabakan (827 H,A), until the Safavid ( 907H,A) coming in power in Iran, Izeh government begun to decline as a result of fighting and clashing occurred between tribes and families and their nomadic practices turned dominantly to sedentism. Finally, the Bakhtiari tribe came in power in the great Lor regions that was known as Bakhtiari and Izeh which was one of the most important center for Kishlak (winter quarters) and located in course of nomadic for Yaylak (summer quarters) was subjected directly to the course of events happened for Bakhtiari tribe and undergone various changes. The aim of this study is to clarify the course of evolving, persistence and changes from arrival of Islam through fall of Bakhtiari'S Khans.&lt;/p&gt;</p>

  35. تاثیر حکومت محلی بریدیان در تحولات خوزستان و جنوب عراق (بظائح)316-338هق
    عزیز البوغبیش 1393

    In the era of the Abbasid Caliphate and the rise of anti-caliphate in the late third and early fourth century AH Brydyan family, there were among the Abbasid dynasty of weakness and lack the ability to manage their own areas of influenceBasra and Ahwaz, the major bottleneck trade was placed at his far as the year 330,AH influence and dominate these regions and adding its own territory could Brbghdad Historic Route other Abbasid Caliphate and local governments to transform the family between the years 316 AH to 338 AH of Khuzestan and southern Iraq (Btayh) ruled for twenty years.

  36. تاثیر تسلط حیات عشایری بر ساختار سیاسی ، اجتماعی و اقتصادی ایران ( از حمله افغانان تا سقوط زندیه )
    محمدرضا بخشی پور 1392

    After extinction of Safavi dynasty by Afghans, until the Ghajars took the power- 1756 to1810 AD-, Iranian clans totally dominated the government. These clans influenced the politic,society and economy during this time. In this period, Iran underwent these governments(Afghans,Afsharye ,and Zandye);despite of all these, the three governments shared one share-point which was their tribal origins. In the matter of politic, beside the head governments, one of heads of clans or tribes were chosen for being social matter,these governors and their allied tribes generated collapses and dameges widespread of most parts of the country that led to critical damages of the society.In the matter of economy ,the rulers were the subject of generating damages to the country.This paper tends to study the impact of clans dominance on the political,social and economical structures of the country since Afghans assault to the end of Zands era.

  37. نقش قوم لر در تحولات سیاسی ایران از آغازصفویه تا سقوط زندیه
    بویراحمد خوبی نژاد 1392

    Lor people of ethnic groups that have a large impact on developments in Iran, especially from the Safavid period onwards. Safavid state since the beginning of the first period was (907-996)and Public discontent was contempt Iranian tribes led by Qizilbash tribe lor no exception. This led the nation's governors and Lor Lh Safavid Qizilbash would revolt, Examples of these riots, riots in Hamedan Ismail was false that Was supported by the Lors and Kurds,that occurred in the second period of Safavid(996-1135) Some lors by Shah Abbas the military and Border Protection sent to border points. Lors in Afshariye continued use of the army,After the Civil War and the assassination of Nader Shah, Karim Khan Zand failed claimants would have the power to sit on the throne and Lur people who actually found the main role in politics. With the fall of the Zand tribe, lor went back to the sidelines and so the revolution had little role in political events.

  38. نقش خاتونان در ساختار سیاسی و تحولات اقتصادی و فرهنگی تیموریان
    مریم گودرزمراد 1392

    During Timurid era, women were subordinate and faithful to men as they were in prior times and their importance and esteem in Timurid age was somewhat the same as in Mongols era and in that time they managed to get involved in political and social affairs and during the wars, they were put on standby their husbands and shared in plunders. The women also took part in ceremonies and parties and sometimes they themselves setup regal entertainments. In Timurid history, there are many instances of influences of court Khatuns (ladies) in politics and other affairs. Of those, we can refer to Saray Melek Khanom and Toman Aqa , Timur and Shadmelek’s wives, the wife of Soltan Khalil and Goharshad Aqa, the wife of Sjahrukh and Firouz beigum, the mother and Khadijeh biegum the wife of Soltan Husain Bayghra.
    In upbringing of Timurid princes, women had played an important role and the offspring of royal dynasty were first reared old women. They also engaged in economic and endowment and cultural activities, for instance, making high building like mosques and schools. This research aims to answer the following question: what role the women played in politics and economic and cultural development in Timurid age? It also deals with the performance of the Khatuns and finding out the women’s status in the society. The methodology is analytical-descriptive and use of library sources.

  39. تداوم وتحول در تاریخ محلیِ دورق از ورود اسلام تا پایان شیخ خزعل
    قادر خلیفی 1392

    Abstract: Douragh is one of the major cities in Khuzestan province of familiar names in the ancient and modern, historical geography.Being in the northern shores of the Persian Gulf and also between the southern Mesopotamian and Persian states gives it particular importance geographically. This unique geographical location in addition to its positive influence on the region, it has influenced the region politically.Inaway that it attracted the ancient Sassanid kings and Muslim conquerors in the early Islemisconquest.Since this region is along the Persion Gulf shores, its Basyan port has enjoyed special location in south Khouzestan and indeed a cinnter for exporting good to other Khouzestan cities.It also has always been attracted the attention of Umayyad Caliphate and Abbasid Caliphate and families such as Baredeian, annexed, Musha'sha'iyyah and at lest the Banu Kaab government. This study sought to identify local history Douragh from Islam enterance unti the end of Sheikh Khaz'al government, according to evaluated historical documents.

  40. سهم عوامل تاریخی در کشت غله خوزستان(از ورود اسلام تا پایان دوره ی قاجاریه)
    علی لجم اورك مرادی 1392
  41. تداوم و تحول در تاریخ محلی شوشتر از ورود اسلام تا سقوط خاندان سادات مرعشی
    مسعود ولی عرب 1392
  42. تاثیر حکومت مشعشعیان در ساختار اجتماعی و فرهنگی خوزستان از سال 845-1176
    سمیره بداوی 1392
  43. اوضاع اقتصادی خراسان و ماوراءالنهر در عهد سامانیان (389-279ه.ق)
    سهیلا كشت زر 1391
  44. : تاثیر کشت نیشکر در تاریخ اقتصادی و اجتماعی خوزستان از دوران اسلامی تا پایان دوره پهلوی
    زینب ایراندوست 1391
  45. تداوم وتحول در تاریخ محلی دزفول از پیدایش تا پایان حکومت خاندان رعناشی
    جمشید زاده حسن 1391
  46. اوضاع اجتماعی و فرهنگی فارس در عهد آل اینجو(754-725ه.ق/ 1353-1325.م)
    زینب موسوی 1390
  47. اوضاع سیاسی،اجتماعی و اقتصادی یزد در عهد آل وردان(اتابکان یزد)(536-718ه.ق/1142-1318م)
    فاطمه رضایی 1390
  48. تحولات و جغرافیای تاریخی بندرعباسی (1722- 1588 م) ،(1135-996 ه .ق )
    فاطمه حیدری 1389
  49. تجارت ابریشم و نقش آن در توسعه و آبادانی بنادر و جزایر خلیج فارس در دوره صفویه
    گلنار كرنوكر 1389