اعضای هیئت علمی - دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی

Update: 2025-03-03
دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی / گروه تاریخ
P.H.D dissertations
نقش شبه قاره هند در ورود مدرنیته و مدرنیسم به ایران
عطا اموزیان 1401 -
بازشناسی و تحلیل تاریخی اثرات صنعت نفت بر ساختار توسعه در شهر مسجدسلیمان (با تأکید بر شاخص های مدرنیته) (1357-1287)
سكینه كاشانی 1401 -
بررسی تاثیر گفتمان دو جریان ملی و مذهبی بر کودتای 28 مرداد(با تکیه بر کنشگران اصلی هر جریان )
حمزه حسینی 1399 -
بررسی و تحلیل عوامل موثر بر تحولات سیاسی و اجتماعی ایالت فارس در مشروطه دوم (1333 ق- 1327 ق)
مسعود شفیعی سروستانی 1399 -
بررسی تأثیر انقلاب سفید بر تحرک اجتماعی زنان شهرنشین در دوره پهلوی دوم
فاطمه زینلی 1398 -
ساختار قدرت سیاسی در دوره قاجار (از آغاز تا انقلاب مشروطه)
محمد افسری راد 1398 -
بررسی رابطه نوسازی دوره پهلوی دوم با تحرک اجتماعی طبقه متوسط جدید )1320-1357(
فاطمه حاجیانی 1397
Master Theses
كتابشناسی توصیفی-تحلیلی جنگ تحمیلی با تكیه بر سال های 1367تا 1376
فاطمه توفیقی 1403 -
سهم خوزستان در جنبش مشروطه خواهی ایران . (با تكیه بر اوضاع و شرایط این ایالت)
میثم كلك ران 1403 -
سیاست عشایری رضا خان و تاثیر آن بر تحولات فرهنگی، اجتماعی و اقتصادی خوزستان
عبدالنبی عظیمی مقدم 1403 -
نقش نفت در همگرایی روابط ایران و آمریکا در عصرپهلوی دوم
عزت اله علی بخشی 1401 -
بررسی سهم حزب تجدد و اعضای برجسته آن در روند مدرنیته ایران
سیدبهادر اسمعیل زاده دشت بزرگ 1400 -
بررسی تاثیر ایالات متحده آمریکا بر جنبش های سیاسی و اجتماعی عربستان در چهار دهه اخیر(از ۱۹۷۹تا ۲۰۱۹)
حدیث شجاعی 1399 -
بررسی تحولات سیاسی خوزستان در عهد قاجار با تکیه بر سیاست انگلیس در حوضه خلیج فارس ( از دوره ناصرالدین شاه تا پایان دوره مظفرالدین شاه )
عبدالرضا حنیفی 1399 -
سیاست انگلیس در خلیج فارس در دوره پهلوی اول
مهسا علی پناهی نژاد 1399 -
بررسی اوضاع اقتصادی ایران در دوره نادر شاه افشار و تاثیر آن بر قیام های اجتماعی این دوره
ستار بیننده 1398 -
بررسی سهم اندیشه سیاسی ایران باستان در آثار سیاستنامه نویسی ابن مقفع، خواجه نظام الملک طوسی و ابوحامد محمد غزالی
سحر براتی 1398 -
بررسی جنگ شهرها در استان خوزستان وپیامدهای آن (1359-1367)
هاشم رئیسی 1397 -
بررسی سهم عوامل اقتصادی و فرهنگی در همگرایی کشورهای حوزه ی خلیج فارس در دوره ی جمهوری اسلامی ایران
مریم مالكی عذاری 1396The Persian Gulf is a semi-closed sea and is the largest aquatic inhabitants in the world. It has economically highly valuable mineral resources such as oil and gas as well as a wide range of fishes and shrimps. This potential has naturally provided a common market among countries in this area. The religion and cultural values have also originated from the Gulf area that has made the shared language, race and ethnicity between the area’s countries. Iran, Iraq Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and United Arabic Emirates (UAE) are those countries which are in neighborhood of each other. It is the Persian Gulf due to its special situation has potentially made a convergence among countries based on the shared economy, ethnicity, race and religion. In this research, it is tried to study the Islamic revolution as a religious basis. Since the Islam is a common religion among these countries in this area, it can be an important bonding and converging element. The Arabic language is a common language of Islamic religion that has a particular status. The Arabic language can also culturally be considered as a bonding element. Enjoying oil and gas resources as a common product, the Persian Gulf area countries can contribute to collaboration and convergence among these countries in order to gain a reasonable profit by this. Therefore, the economic and culture aspects are very important and influential ones for this purpose
بررسی سهم عوامل فرهنگی در وقوع انقلاب مشروطیت ایران
سحر عالی پور 1395The constitutional revolution is regarded as one of the considerably important and influential events in the historical developments of Iran. In Gajar dynasty, the increasing communications of Iranians with the European countries resulted in their knowledge of the principles and system of government and parliament. Due to these orientations, the changes in various fields of those countries, especially after Iran failure in its war with Russia, were elaborated. The reformist figures of this period, after the failures of Iran in its war with Russia, had some actions to redress the cultural backwardness and weaknesses. Regarding this issue, the first action was dispatching students to Europe for learning military sciences and techniques. In European countries, these students were influenced by their security and freedom, and some of them composed about their trip in terms of itinerary and amazements. In this way, other actions were token such as establishing print office, compilation, translation and publication of books. Books compilation and publication caused availability of numerous books with different subjects in translation. The other important cultural factor prior to the revolution was the print and publication of press which played a special role in partially awakening and informing people by publishing new contents such as state and independence. On the other hand, establishing European schools in Iran and consequently modern education schools, attempts were seen in recruiting western modern sciences and techniques. The other culturally important event of this time was in literature branch; the poets and authors of the time held an important role in people awakening and goals of the constitutionalists by promoting implications such as patriotism and freedom. On outcome of these actions was enhancing awareness and understanding level in people of their rights before the government. On the other side, people were acknowledged about the concepts such as freedom, equality, parliament and anti-despotism movements in result of the communications and familiarities with other countries, so that they followed the path to achieve them in their own country. Then, the best was made in cultural context and paved the way for reforming and renewing to the extent that revealed their influence in creating a constitutional system.
بررسی تاریخ فرهنگ و تمدن شوشتر در عصر قاجار و پهلوی (با تکیه برآداب، سنن و هنرهای دستی)
سارا رستمی 1395Review Social Customs form part of the cultural identity of a society or a city that has roots in the history of the region and affected all aspects of national life of the people. According to the culture of each area, Shushtar has long had its own traditions. Shushtar civil and social life back to pre-Islamic times, as is always one of the most important cities of Iran and has been center of Khuzestan up to early Pahlavi period. Culture of the people of this land is more rooted in religious beliefs; these beliefs manifested in areas such as music, herald ceremony, wedding and mourning and has created a kind of special Customs that has been inheritablely transferred from generation to generation. Regardless of the diverse customs, Shushtar also in handicraft fields has been a famous and index city. The area handicrafts include Felting crafts, carpentry, cloth weaving (brocading) and etc. that is the result of the creativity of weavers and influenced by their thinking and mindset beliefs. At early Qajar period, Shushtar’s handicrafts had little progress, but later due to increased imports of machine products and influence of technique, it was in decline and its importance and credit reduced but is not never least that’s worth.
بررسی تاریخی و تطبیقی اقتصاد شهر آبادان پیش و پس از تأسیس منطقه آزاد اروند
فاطمه خلیلی منش 1395Abstract:
Throughout its history, Abadan experienced ups and downs periods. With oil exploration and immediately construction of the refinery, Abadan was progressively developed and it gave a new life to the city, to the extent that it became the most important economic city in both Iran and middle east. But the war imposed by Iraq disrupted this prosperity because Abadan was right neighboring Iraq and it exposed the city easily to direct shooting by heavy weapons and air strikes which it caused to destroy almost entirely the plants, places, governmental institutions and ports. Immediately, the other ports that were operating in the country at that time were used as an alternative. For this reason, Abadan never gained that productive economy, the welfare and happiness that it had before the war. Many years after the war was over, the trend of reconstruction was too slow to revive the economy of the city as before. With the aim of recovering the economy in the city, Abadan became a free trade zone. However, over its embryonic stage, there was no achievement as expected. Until president Rouhani visited Abadan in 2013, the free trade zone had not begun its different economic activities. Now, according to estimates, this zone is experiencing an ascending trend, but it is still far from the ideal. However, if the problems that the free trade zone facing with are resolved, there will be good achievement more than before
سهم روسها در انحلال مجالس دوره مشروطه
اردشیر همنشین بهبهانی 1395Abstract
The policy pursued by Russia in Qajar dynasty era in Iran was “colonialism based on the military power.” To achieve this aim, the Russians defeated the Iranians through the first and second rounds of their wars and then imposed the shameful contracts of Turkanachai and Golestan and, even worse, the capitulation right over us. In the context of such a colonial policy, Russia, in competition with the Great Britain, received military, commercial, and economic privileges and immunities from Iran, which were in fact the penetration tools of Russia in Iran. In the era of Mozaffar-Al-Din Shah, the Iranian nation, however, opposed the Qajarian governmental polity and its foreign policies, and thus they resort to their enlightened thought and demand a governmental reform as well as the participation of the nation in deciding their own destiny, which subsequently resulted in the constitutional revolution. Due to the totalitarian nature of the Russian government and in defiance of the Great Britain’s penetration into the constitutional revolution of Iran, the Russians decided to oppose the revolution, and therefore in line with their autocratic and dictatorial policies, the Russians directly and indirectly took the main role in dissolution of the Iranian constitutional parliaments. The first parliament was bombarded with heavy artillery by Liakhov, the military arm of Russia in Iran. The second parliament was cancelled after expedition of Russian forces into Iran and their deliverance of an ultimatum to the Iranian nation. Besides, the third parliament was dissolved after invasion of the Russian military forces into Iran and their threat to occupy the capital of Iran, Tehran. This invasion was indeed a pretext by Russians to react against the Iranian government and parliament cooperation with Germanyduring the First World War. Since no direct and comprehensive studies have been conducted on this topic, we have investigated the Russian role in dissolution of the constitutional parliament in Iran, while we are fully aware of our present political expediencies and mutual friendship with our northern neighbor country, Russia. This study is an attempt to confirm that Russia was the major player in dissolution of the constitutional parliament in Iran.
کارکرد سنت وقف در خوزستان در دوره ی قاجار و پهلوی
جمیله قنبری مرداسی 1395Devotion is a good job for religious beliefs. In addition to Gods satisfaction ,endowment of properties is done in order to meet needs of society and reduces gap of classes.Devotion had been popular in Iran since ancient era. After the entry of Islam to Iran, endowment of properties was flourished with another view. During the Islamic history, devotion and endowments have had certain up and down.In obedience to other provinces,following some policies of the central government, emdowments have been increased or decreased in some periods of time. In this research, it hasbeen tried to discuss and analyze functions of economic, social, cultura, and religionon the tradition ofdevotion in one hand,and the impact of social and economic of Khuzestan province on increasing or decreasing of endowments in two periods of time rely on resources in particular documents and existing deeds of endowments on the other hand. this research also shows that the intention of the devotees of Khuzestan province was depended on the needs of society and it had been changed according to changes in needs.people from different classes of society participated in devotion. in each period,woman who had been endowed also have been considered. this shows the extent of women's ownership and their freedom of seezing their properties. searching method in this research is ddescriptive-analitic.This thesis has been done by collecting information based on documents, and library resources, and analyzing them in writing and finalizing.
نقش نخبگان سیاسی در تحولات ایران در دوره قاجار(از فتحعلیشاه تا مظفرالدین شاه)
حمزه شهولی 1394Iranian society, with the advent of Qajar dynasty, was in poverty and un-development compared with other societies. This lead to lack of progress and development in political and economic structure. However, it seemed necessary to develop the country to become familiar with western countries .This was followed by a group of governing and non-governing elites and led to some developments. But, due to some obstacles, these elites also couldn’t play an influential role in developing the country. The present study aims to investigate the historical role of elites in societal changes as well as the reasons behind their failure in implementing enduring developments
حکومت و ساخت سیاسی درایران ازدیدگاه روشنفکران عصر مشروطه(با تکیه بر اندیشه های میرزا ملکم خان،آخوند زاده،طالبوف ومستشار الدله)
فرامرز مهربانی پور 1394Abstract: the word "Government" literally means ruling, commanding, kingdom ship and judging. Since the human communities were established, even during stone age, there were social system and hierarchy. Over the whole history, depending on political and social situation, many governments were raised through different forms and policies. , Over the whole history of Iran up to constitutional revolution, the government and political structure as an agent for imposing power and force and as an institution which are of ruling power on the people, was always autocratic and single-layered and it was the king who protects life and properties of the people and was the sole authority for making and taking final decisions. During constitutional era, some Iranian intellectuals such as Mirza Melkam Khan Nezam aldoleh, ,Mirza Fath Ali Akhond zadeh, Mirza Abdolrahim Talebuf and Mirza Yousef Khan Mosteshar aldoleh introduced a new reading of government and political structure. This study aims to investigate the government and political structure from Iranian intellectuals' viewpoint. The method used in this research is descriptive, referring to library sources and taking an analytical approach.
بررسی وضعیت فرهنگی،اجتماعی و اقتصادی زنان از ابتدای تاسیس دولت قاجار تا مشروطه
سكینه دنیاری 1394The status of the Iranian woman has been influenced by the cultural, economic, and political factors throughout the history. From ancient time to Qajar period, women always had different positions. An important issue in any society is the position of women, as half of the society, who work alongside men. Investigating the situation of women as half of the society in Qajar period is of significance. The social statuses of women differed according to their social class, whether they belonged to the wealthy or the poor stratum of the society. The cultural status of women and their type of education also depended on their stratum. Noble women had tutors at home, while ordinary women were educated at traditional schools (maktabkhane) of the time. Women had an important role in the economy of the cities and villages. They worked in the areas of carpet weaving, wool spinning, textile, agriculture, rice planting, handicrafts, and production workshops, unlike noble and court women who were not directly involved in economic activities but who owned properties. The aim of the present study is to investigate the social, economic, and cultural statuses of the court women compared to those of the ordinary women in Qajar period.The design of the present study is descriptive-analytical and the data were collected from library sourcesand documents. The study aims to answer the following question: What social, economic, and cultural status did women have in Qajar period?
بررسی و تحلیل اعزام محصل به خارج در دوره ی پهلوی
شكاری-طاهره 1394The present epistle for the first time, regarded to the dispatching graders to abroad which after Iran lost to Russia, it being noteworthy to Qajar’s statesmen, in this way Abbas-Mirza predisposed the first pace. He send two people out to Europe in order to envelop the skills of painting ,and medicine. So many years later , this process continued likewise ,but at the last years of Naser al –din Shah’s government this issue become more considerate ,for new conceptual fears about dispatching graders to abroad which prolonged half of the century. Then after the conditional evolution in order to procure of institutional education and High –educational centres ,this process being posed again. And also the first legal note approved by National Parliament in 1329 Hijri ( 1290 A.D ). However Reza Shah , after emersion of Pahlavi’s government and extermination of Qajar’s reign in order to renovate , to revise and to retrieve lags of cultural and scientific his government as well , so he followed more seriously that scheme , he ratify to The National Parliament the law of dispatching graders to abroad in 1307 Hijri which according to this law all cultural institutions ,and the other organizations ,centres ,ministries allowed every year to dispatch grader people to abroad to obviate their requirements. At the secondary set reign of Pahlavi , some changes impacted the law of dispatching graders to abroad but this scheme continued since the last Pahlavi’s term of govern.
نقش هویزه درجنگ تحمیلی
منصوری خوزستانی-زینب 1393When Iraq began the war and invaded Iran, because of its proximity to the Iraq border, Hoveizeh city also was attacked by Baathist regime of Iraq and large parts of the border areas of the city were occupied. Gendarme forces facilities, stationed in the region, were too limited; however, from the early days of the war, local tribes helped Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Basij forces and fought with primitive weapons against the enemy and, despite the lack of supplies and arms, they have 6 months resisted against the enemy army until the AJA be deployed to the region. Nasr operation and after victory in first stage, we observed a change in our own front that shows the Bani Sadr's mismanagement. In the second phase, the operation failed and Hoveizeh city crashed. Operation Beyt-Al Moqadas has finally released this city. Hur-Al Hoveizeh also first saw "Khyber" Iran's first amphibious operation, when Iraq used extensively chemical weapons for the first time
علل و چگونگی اشغال خوزستان به وسیله ی بیگانگان در طی جنگهای اول و دوم جهانی با تاکید بر نقش انگلستان
گشتی-حمید 1393Khuzestan, as the place wherein the first oil wells were explored, attracted the attentions of great governments from the very beginning. Beside this, proximity with the Persian Gulf boundaries and existence of Karun Riveradded to its value more than ever. Finally again, all these factors together made this province to be occupied by the foreign forces in a time less than a quarter of century. The first was time was the time Ahmad Shah came to power. To keep itsown controlled oil sources and to avoid the German and the ottomans having access to Khuzestan oil storages, and continuing its dominance on the important waterway of Persian Gulf as well, United Kingdom occupied Khuzestan. They, however, confronted themselves with the resistance of Khuzestan Arab nomads.The second time was in Pavlavi in 1320(solar)Shahrivar.For the excuse of German spies in Iran and in fact, to keep the Nazi Germany from dominating Ghafghaz’s oil wells, the neutrality of Iran was violated again, and beside occupying the ports of Khuzestan, they took the railway, and the other contact ways of the province and freed Soviet of being occupied by the Germans by sending military equipment to that country.This research is to answer the question that what were the reasons of Khuzestan occupation between the two world wars. And besides answering that question, it’s to shed light on the untold and unknown aspects of Khuzestan history in these two eras.
بررسی روابط ایران و آلمان در دوره رضاشاه و تاثیر آن بر صنایع ایران
زهرا سواری 1393The relations of Iran and Germany, it says to set of political, cultural, economic relations, that start of formaly from 1872 A M/ 1251 Solar, after the first trip of Naser Aldin shah to Germany during his trip to Europe. After this years that Iran national existence is adventare from England and Russia, with a view of Iranian politicians, the Germany was a contry that could arrive to Iran stage as government that had not a colonization opinion rotio Iran and support of Iran opposite of England and Russia. Germany after falling of Bismark was to fallow his profits in middle east. relations of Iran and Germany had special place in Reza shah foreigner policy. Reza shah aim of extension of his relations with Germany is extension and new built of country for to reach political independence. But prelud of political independence was economic independence. Due to this commercial relations of two country to brisk up.The Germany to begin a lot of in Iran industrializ plan, so that it can says the basis of Iran young industries to be formed of german machinery, of side of the germans importunate need to raw material its good reason for commerce essential between two countries. In spite of relations of two countries, its temporary decresed in Vaymar repablic but with Hitler and enemy with communists and also Reza shah dislik and fear of communism the relations of two countries to enter to new phase. But division wordly powers in II world war on the other hand Iran estratgy position in other part, to drow the relation of of Iran and Germany to kind of hopeless ness. The aim of this study of up and down this relations and in fluennce on economy and Iran industries is in this stag of era.
بررسی تحولات سیاسی و اجتماعی کهگیلویه از قیام صفی میرزاتاتخته قاپوکردن عشایر
رستگاران-بلقیس 1393Kohgiluyah is a tribal region because of geographical Chracteristic. This region has played an important role in political and social issues of Iran in different times of Iran history from ancient time to different time after islam. The tribal structure of Kohgiluyeh ،and needing special attention to this area causes that the saffavieh dynasty separated it from fars and be an independent place for governors as Kohgiluyeh province.Its position was considerable politically and its most of shirked political-social forces came to this area and set it as their own residence and to rebel against central government in this area, including Qalandar ،Safimirza and Baluch،Mohammad khan that set it as their own residence and opposed central governments. The nomads of this area also rebelled against central government in Afsharye and Zandye times that these rebellion suppressed severely. Revealing the events of this area is an important and positive characteristics Qajar time for Kohgiluyeh area that indicates the position and identity of nomads of these areas هthe peak of Kohgiluyeh tribes conflicts and opposition is the wide conflicts of tribes against Reza shah tribal politics in Pahlavi time .Thus ,the present study aims to investigate political and social changes of Kohgiluyeh from SafMirza resurrection to tribes resurrection to nomads residence during the first Pahlavi time.
بررسی تاریخی نقش و تاثیر نفت در توسعه و عمران شهری اهواز
عصمت بابادی 1392Abstract
Exploration and production of oil have given a special importance to Ahwaz city. Since oil exploration by Anglo-Persian Oil Company and then the English expropriation and also during nationalization of oil, there has been a significant impact of economic, reconstruction and culture context in the oil-field areas. Since drilling the first well in Masjedsolieman and the second in Ahwaz, these changes have had a negative impact on Ahwaz’s people lives and this is still seen through continuance of drilling operation by subcontractors of oil company. The developments include decrease of agriculture activity and rushing of the people to trading, construction of modern style housing, establishment of communication units, power station, clubs airport, cinema, prevalence of English terms among people are a few consequences of oil exploration in Ahwaz. This thesis opts to investigate the effect of oil exploration in Khuzestan as well as social lives and urban construction in Ahwaz and show the qualities of the social changes.
بررسی دوران صدارت قائم مقام فراهانی
مرضیه شاه نوشی فروشانی 1392The century 13 A.H / 19 AD have an impressive significance in the history of Iran. In this time, as the Europe was developing and promoting socially and economically, Iran, in contrast, in the early Qajar dynasty, has been declining. This is what attracted the then statesmen attention to reflect on the cause of this huge divergence. Gradually, they decided to make reforms in the different aspects. But the policy and the kind of government remained unchanged and there were no actions to implement reforms structurally. In fact, it was the principal cause which had left behind Iran from Europe because there were not any measure and legal authorities to oversee the king’s behavior. Ghaem Magham Farahani, the prime minister of Mohammad Shah Qajar was a leading political figure who believed in parliamentary monarchy in a modern term. For this aim, he limited the power and authority of Shah and his family. In the foreign policy, he took negative balance policy against such powers as Brithish and Russia to keep the independence of Iran. This thesis examine the novel policy that was taken by Ghaem Magham in both domestic and foreign affairs and the role of this platform in political renaissance.
سیر تاریخی تحول طنز سیاسی از فتح تهران تا پایان پهلوی اول
ناهید بهرامی 1392
Publications as a form of widespread and mass media have been f great significance in transferring messages. This form of the press has been doing its job in a way for another according to the political and social status of the time. In a period of time such as the “Mashrutiyat” the number of publications suddenly blossomed and in some there era due to the strictness and bans they have been driven aside of the politics realm. While whenever possible they have been enlightening the publics.
Satirical publications as publically agreeable means have been of great stance in the history of the press. Using the sword of words such as a satire and humorous , they have been far more effective than usual types of the press. Satirical and humorous publications like other sorts of the press have been facing ups and down due to different social and political conditions over the course of time.
They have been on the path of enlightment and growth for some time and for some other due to the political pressure and restriction they have distracted the path and gone kissing ups and apple polishing.
This study is going to shed some light on the development of the Iranian satirical and humorous publications during Ahmad shah of Qajar and Pahlavi the first tenures.
بررسی اوضاع سیاسی و اجتماعی ایل قشقایی از آغاز جنگ جهانی اول تا مرگ صولت الدوله(1311-1293 ه.ش)
بهزاد رضایی فام 1391 -
نقش بازاریان و اصناف اهواز در انقلاب اسلامی
علی ممبینی نوترگی 1391 -
نقش قصرشیرین درجنگ تحمیلی عراق علیه ایران
مریم علیمددی جهرمی 1391 -
نقش مطبوعات در تاریخ نگاری دفاع مقدس تا پایان خرمشهر
منصور غبیشاوی 1391 -
بررسی زمینه های شکل گیری جنبش ها و اعتصابات کارگری نفت در خوزستان ( 1332 – 1320 ش )
سكینه كاشانی 1391 -
نقش زنان اهواز در دفاع مقدس
سكینه فاضلی 1391 -
بررسی تحولات دربار پهلوی دوم و نقش آن ها در سقوط رژیم با تکیه بر دید گاههای سیاست گران غربی
سمیه فاضلی 1391 -
بررسی تاریخچه سازه های آبی استان خوزستان
زهرا كلاه كج 1391 -
نقش ادبیات عصر مشروطه در پیشبرد اهداف مشروطه خواهان
فرزاد تاسا 1391 -
روابط بختیاریها با دولت قاجار از ابتدا تا قتل حسین خان بختیاری (1210-1299)
علیرضا حیدری 1390 -
بررسی روند انقلاب اسلامی در شهرستان بهبهان
ربابه یزدانی 1390 -
بررسی روابط حکومت پهلوی واسراییل وسهم آن در عدم انزوای منطقه ای اسراییل (1357-1326)
بهزاد كاظمی نسب 1390 -
چالش ها و رقابتهای سیاسی حکمرانان بوشهر با مناطق تابعه(1164 هـ.ق/1750م- 1267 هـ.ق/1850 م)
رضا قندهاری زاده 1390 -
: بررسی جایگاه شیعیان عربستان سعودی در روابط ایران و عربستان و نقش آن در تأمین منافع ملی ایران ( پس از پیروزی انقلاب اسلامی )
سیدحسن بینا 1389 -
بررسی چگونگی تشکیل،ساختار و توسعه نیروی دریایی ایران در خلیج فارس با تکیه بر دوره پهلوی
نگار فرامرزی 1389 -
سهم نفت در تحکیم روابط و گسترش نفوذ انگلیس در ایران از 1900تا1945 میلادی.
مینا رئیسی سربیژن 1389 -
تاریخ دفاع مقدس در استان ایلام(1359-1367 شمسی)
محمد صحرائی 1389 -
بررسی نقش سیاسی- نظامی و فرهنگی قفقاز در انقلاب مشروطه
زهرا خالدی مجدم 1389 -
تاریخ سیاسی-اجتماعی خوزستان در عصر پهلوی دوم از نگاه نشریات وقت استان
مریم لطیفی 1388 -
بررسی تحولات مجالس چهارم و پنجم با تکیه بر زمینه های تغییر سلطنت
اسماعیل امیری چرمهینی 1388 -
منافع سیاست دولتهای انگلیس، فرانسه، روسیه و المان در جزایر و سواحل ایرانی خلیج فارس در عهد حکومت قاجار
پوران منجزی 1388 -
نقش جنبش دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران (جندیشاپور) در شکلگیری و گسترش انقلاب اسلامی در خوزستان
میثم صاحب 1387 -
تحلیل محتوای سیاسی، اجتماعی، فرهنگی و اقتصادی مقالات مشروطه شناسی براساس شش جلد فهرست مقالات فارسی ایرج افشار
محمد افسری راد 1387 -
آسیبشناسی اجتماعی جامعه ایران در عصر صفوی و تاثیر آن بر سقوط حکومت صفوی
محمد علی جودكی 1387 -
بررسی سهم عوامل اقتصادی در وقوع انقلاب مشروطه ایران
مریم قلی زاده 1387 -
چگونگی تاسیس و نقش مدارس جدید در عهد قاجاریه
سید محمد تراب جهرمی 1386 -
بررسی عملکرد دوره شانزدهم مجلس شورای ملی
مجید پرهیزكاری 1386 -
اوضاع سیاسی، اجتماعی، فرهنگی و اقتصادی ایران در دوران استبداد صغیر با تاکید بر دیدگاههای روزنامه حبلالمتین
محمد امیری 1385 -
مواضع مجلس، دولت و جریانهای سیاسی ایران نسبت به اولتیماتوم روسیه به ایران (1290ه ش، 1911 م)
شیرزاد صالحی 1385 -
دانشگاه باستانی جندیشاپور
عزیز علیاحمدی 1384