اعضای هیئت علمی - دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی
Associate Professor
Update: 2025-03-03
Alborz Azarang
دانشکده علوم ریاضی و کامپیوتر / گروه ریاضی
P.H.D dissertations
Master Theses
نكاتی در مورد ایدال های اول اصلی
محمد عاشوری مفرد 1403 -
بررسی p-توسیع ها از حلقه های تعویض پذیر
زهرا مصدر 1403 -
بررسی ایدآل های2-اول ضعیف در حلقه های تعویض پذیر
فاطمه نورانی 1401 -
زیرحلقه های متناهیا تولید شده از [R[x
مهتاب صالحوندی 1401 -
لم اجتناب از ایدآل های اول برای یک خانواده از ایدآل های اول از یک حلقه تعویض پذیر
گلرخ فرامرزی 1400 -
بررسی رابطه خودکارآمدی ریاضی و نگرش ریاضی با عملکرد ریاضی دانش آموزان پسر پایه نهم شهرستان ماهشهر در سال تحصیلی 1400 - 1399
حجت چاروسائی 1400 -
عناصر تحویل ناپذیر در حلقه های تعویض پذیر
مریم رحمانی 1399 -
ایدال های کوچک و بزرگ در حلقه های شرکت پذیر
پروین كاوسی 1399 -
اجتماع متناهی از زبرحلقه های یک دامنه صحیح
ماجده مطوری 1398 -
مدول هایی که دارای تعداد متناهی زیر مدول اند
سعید فرهادیان بابادی 1397 -
FIP-توسیع ها و FCP-توسیع های حلقه های تعویض پذیر
ناهید ناصری 1394The extension R⊆S is said to have FIP if [R, S] is finite. The extension R⊆S is said to have FCP if each chain of R-sub algebras of S is finite. Several parallel characterizations of the FIP and FCP properties are given. Also a number of results about FCP are generalized from domain to arbitrary (commutative) rings. Let R⊆S be rings, with ̅R the integral closure of R in S. Then R⊆S satisfies FIP (resp. , FCP) if and only if both R ⊆ ̅R and ̅R ⊆S satisfy FIP (resp. ,FCP) If R integrally closed in S, then R⊆S satisfies FIP if and only if R⊆S satisfies FCP if and only if (R, S) is a normal pair such that Supp(S/ R) is finite. If R⊆S is integral and has conductor C, then R⊆S satisfies FCP if and only if S is a finitely generated R- module such that R / C is an Artinian ring. The characterizations of FIP and FCP for integral extensions feature natural roles for the intermediate rings arising from seminormalization and t-closure.
تعمیم قضیه های کوهن- کاپلانسکی در حلقه های تعویض ناپذیر
خدیجه محمدیان 1394In commutative Algebra we know that a commutative ring R is Noetherian iff every prime ideal of R is finitely generated (Cohen’s Theorem). Also a commutative Noetherian ring R is a principal ideal ring iff every maximal ideal of R is principal (Kaplansky’s Theorem). So with composition these theoremes we have the following theorem in commutative rings that a commutative ring R is a principal ideal ring iff every prime ideal of R is principal (Kaplansky – Cohen Theorem). The Goal of this thesis is a generalization of this theorem and theorems of Cohen and Kaplansky for noncommutative rings. In this case we are defineing competely prime ideals and, then with replace competely prime ideals in a noncommutative ring with prime ideals in a commutative ring, we show a generalization of these theorems in noncommutative rings. Also we are defineing a point annihilator set and, with this set, we are a generalization of theorem of Cohen - Kaplansky in noncommutative rings. Finally we show that if R be a semiprime ring with r. K. dim(R) ≤ 1, then R is a principal right ideal ring iff its maximal right ideals are principal.
توسیع های صحیح مینیمال حلقه های تعویض پذیر
بیژنی پور-اعظم 1394For a pair of commutative rings With the same identity, S is a minimal ring extension of R if there are no rings properly between R and S. Such an extension is said to be closed if R is integrally closed in S; otherwise, S is integral over R and the extension is a minimal integral extension. For a minimal integral extension , the conductor is a maximal ideal of R. If M has no nonzero annihilators in S, then S is isomorphic to an overring of R in . The complete ring of quotients of R. conversely, if M has a nonzero annihilator in S, then S cannot be isomorphic to an overring of R . A complete characterization of minimal overrings is given in the case R is a reduced ring. Also examples are given to illustrate the various types of minimal integral extensions.
زیرحلقه های آرتینی از حاصل ضرب حلقه های صفربعدی
اب خو-الهام 1393Given a family of commutative rings, we investigate the family
of Artinian subrings of
This thesis deals also with the question
of when a pair
is zero-dimensional, where is a family of zerodimensional
بررسی حوزه های تجزیه یکتا
طیبه طاهری 1392Abstract:
In this thesis, first the unique factorization domains and atomic domains are in-
vestigated. A factorization domain R is called half-factorial domain (HFD), if for each non-zero non-unit element a1a2…an = b1b2…bm in which ai and bj are irreducible in R, then n=m. Also factorization domain R is called OHFD, if a1a2…an= b1b2…bn in which ai and bi are irreducible in R, then each element of ai are associate with at least one of bj elements. We show that any OHFD is a UFD.
یکتایی تجزیه به ایده الها در حلقه های تعویض پذیر نوتری کاهش یافته
حمیده ممبینی 1392Let R be a reduced commutative neotherian ring. We provide conditions equivalent to isomorphism for completely decomposable finitely generated modules over R. We show that, if R is one dimensional and R satisfies the Krull-Schmidt property for ideals, then any overring of R must also have this property. We also show that if R is both local and one dimensional, satisfying the Krull-Schmidt property for direct sums of rank one modules
تعمیم تجزیه ایدالها به ایده الهای متباین
زینبالسادات مرعشیزاده 1392In this thesis all rings are unitary commutative rings. If R is a ring and b in the R is not unite, then b is called a pseudo- irreducible element if it is impossible to factor b as b=cd with c and d comaximal non- units. A non-unit element b has a complete comaximal factorization if we can write b=b1b2........bm such that bi are pairwise comaximal factorization domain (CFD) if every nonzero non-unit element of R has a complete comaximal factorization . We show that every noetherian domain is CFD. We find conditions for where CFD are UCFD, and also condition to share the CFD property frome R to R[x]. Also we obtain conditions for where CFD property can be shared from R to R/P for a prime ideal P of R. Finally we generalize the factorization to ideals instead of elements
مجموع مستقیم مدول های ریکارت
فرشته مطاعی 1392
The notion of Rickart modules was defined recently. It has been shown that a direct sum of Rickart modules is not a Rickart module, in general. In this paper we investigate the question: When are the direct sums of Rickart modules, also Rickart? We show that ifM_iis M_j –injective for alli<j ∈I={1 ,2 ,…,n } then ⨁_(i=1)^n M_iis a Rickart module if and only if M_i is M_j-Rickartfor all i<j ∈I . As a consequence we obtain that for a nonsingular extending module M, E(M)⨁Mis always a Rickart module. Other characterizations for direct sums to be Rickart under certain assumptions are provided. We also investigate when certain classes of free modules over a ring R, are Rickart. It is shown that every finitely generated free R-module is Rickart precisely when R is a right semihereditary ring. As an application, we show that a commutative domain R is Prufer if and only if the free R-module R(2) is Rickart. We exhibit an example
of a module M for which M(2) is Rickart but M(3) is not so. Further, von Neumann regular rings are characterized in terms of Rickart modules. It is shown that the class of rings R for which every finitely cogenerated right R-module is Rickart, is precisely that of right V -rings.
اعضای ایدال های اول مینیمال در حلقه های( تعویض ناپذیر)
مریم محمدیان 1392Let R be any ring ; is called a weak zero-divior if there are with . It is shown that , in any ring R , the element of minimal prime ideal are weak zero-divior .Examples show that a minimal prime ideals may have elements which are neither left nor right zero - divisors one of right zero-divisors.However, every R has a minimal prime ideal consisting of left zero-divisors and one of right zero-divisors . The union of the minimal prime ideals is studied in 2-primal rings and the union of the minimal strongly prime ideals (in the sense of rowen ) in NI-rings.
مدولهای poor-پروژکتیو
سعاد رحمتی پور 1392 -
بررسی متناهی بودن زنجیرها از حلقه های میانی
پروانه مهدی زاده كوزری 1392 -
توسیع های حلقه های تعویض پذیر
مصطفی راهنورد 1392 -
رده بندی توسیع های مینیمال حلقه های تعویض پذیر
مینا خواجه پور 1391 -
رده بندی حلقه تعویض ﭘذیر با تعداد متناهی زیرحلقه یکدار
اكرم قاسمی 1391 -
بررسی قانون ایدالهای یک طرفه اول برای حلقه های تعویض ناپذیر
رامش یوسفی 1391 -
بررسی قانون ایدال اول در حلقه های تعویضپذیر
زهرا اسماعیلیان 1391 -
مدول های دو طرفه
معصومه مرعشی 1390 -
دامنه های ارزیابی
اشرف كرم زاده 1390