


As the leading center of research and education in the field of computer and mathematical sciences in the southwest of Iran, the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Computer at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz has an outstanding position among the mathematicians and statisticians of Iran. It was in our faculty that for the first time in Iran research and study on the subject of the ring of continuous functions on a topological space was developed and promoted in 1985. Since then, quite a significant number of master's and Ph.D. students have been (and are being) trained in this field.

The Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Computer was founded in 1976. At the beginning, the faculty offered BSc. programs in mathematics, statistics, and computer sciences. It also had a graduate program in pure mathematics offering MSc. degrees in mathematics. At that time, the faculty was unique in Iran for having three distinct departments in mathematics, statistics and computer science. Later in 1979, due to a new policy of the university, it was decided that the faculty pursue its educational activities with two departments of mathematics and statistics as a part of the Faculty of Sciences.

However, in 2000, the council of the university, due to the significant rise in the need for math teachers and experts in computer sciences, decided to reestablish the faculty.

Currently, the faculty offers BSc., MSc., and PhD programs in pure and Applied Mathematics, Statistics, as well as BSc. in Computer Science.

Our educational activities are mainly oriented toward research and advanced postgraduate programs. The main research areas in the faculty include pure mathematics (ring and module theory, both commutative and non-commutative algebra, analysis, and topology), Mathematics Education, Applied Mathematics (Operation Research), and Pure and Applied Statistics.

The faculty has now 40 full time and part time members some of whom are authorities in the field of mathematics in Iran and members of Executive Council of the Iranian Mathematical Society. The aim in the faculty is to create a challenging and developing environment for our students to become capable of working in a diverse range of local and national industries. At present, the faculty has about 700 students with more than 80 as postgraduate students. Moreover, almost all the courses in general mathematics in other departments of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz are taught by the members of our faculty.